Ever felt like God couldn't use you or talked yourself out of doing something you know you should because you aren't good enough yet? Many of us have an impression of ourselves that tells us we cannot help others or we cannot fulfill our destiny until we get ourselves completely perfect. We feel like we can't be used for good if we still have flaws. And I want to tell you that that thinking couldn't be farther from the truth. Those thoughts are lies that the enemy uses to keep you from becoming all you were meant to be. The devil would love it if we all stayed trapped inside our own heads, so focused on our own flaws that we never step out towards our dreams and never make an impact on the world around us. But I want to tell you that you can help others now, right here where you are at. You can make a difference no matter how flawed you are. I'm not saying don't work on yourself, because that is important too, but don't let your fear of what you don't have right keep you from reaching out to encourage others.
For me, there are many days when I want to write about a topic and then I think, "Maybe I shouldn't. After all, I'm still working on that area of my life too. How could I tell someone else to work on it?" But just because I am not perfect in an area does not mean I don't have valuable insight and encouragement that could help someone else in their journey as well. I can share what I've learned and what's helped me, and I hope that people know when I talk about a subject I do it from a judgement free perspective because I have battled that thing or am still battling it now.
What I'm NOT saying though are two things... One, I am not saying that you should be an expert in things you know nothing about. There are some things I haven't worked on or had to face yet. I cannot advise people in those areas because I have no knowledge of those subjects. Don't be puffed up. If you don't know, just admit it. Don't give someone else wrong or bad advice just to try to make yourself look like you have all the answers.
And two, do not go around broadcasting your struggles if you want to help others. For example, maybe you are wanting to lose weight, but you have been struggling with it. It's ok to tell your doctor or your close friend that you've been having trouble with it, but what is not ok is to go around shouting your struggles to the other people who are also trying to lose weight. Then you become what the Bible calls, a "stumbling block." You trip other people up and discourage them on their journey. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be an obstacle on someone else's path. So, if someone asks you for help with weight loss ideas, but you are not doing so great in that area, either just tell them you aren't quite sure and refer them to someone who can help them, or share with them what is working for you, which foods you find to be helpful or your favorite workouts, or some tips your doctor gave you. Do not tell someone else who's struggling all the ways you found that don't work, why they can't do it, and how hard it is for you. They don't need that right now. All people need is your genuine love, concern, and a few tips that are working for you.
So, seriously my friend, know that you are valuable and you have purpose, no matter how "good" or "not good" you are right now. Everyone has something they can offer the world, and I believe we all can add value to others no matter what stage of our journey we are on. Be the light you were made to be, and lift up others, rather than holding them down. I'm in this with you, and I can't wait to see you succeed!
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