Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Little Perspective

  Hi Friends!  I want to share with you something I think about often when I'm at work.  I think sometimes we can become overwhelmed by the challenges of our day, and it can help us immensely to step back and look at our circumstances with a little bit of humor and perspective.
  Recently, at a family gathering, my husband and I decided to look up the most expensive bottles of wine in history.  We were both amused and shocked at what we found, but one story in particular caught our attention.
  According to a story found at one of the bottles in the top five was a bottle of wine that was believed to have been part of Thomas Jefferson's personal collection.  This bottle was insured for $225,000.00.  Yup.  You read that right.  $225,000.  That's more than a lot of peoples' homes.  But, keeping in mind this large insurance coverage, imagine that you are a waiter working at the restaurant where a customer comes in and purchases this bottle to wine to enjoy with a group of friends for dinner.  Now imagine also, that on the way to the table, you drop said bottle of wine, and it breaks into a million pieces never to be tasted or enjoyed by anyone.  Bad day at work?  How about last day at work?  I'd say dropping a priceless piece of history is probably one of the worst days you can have on the job.
  As a family we got a few "oohs"  and "ahhs" out of this story, but my brother made the crowning statement of the night.  He said it like this.  "Next time you think you're having a bad day at work, just say to yourself, 'Well, at least I didn't drop Thomas Jefferson's wine today.'"  And you know what?  It works.  I find myself chuckling over this thought quite often when things get a little bit hectic on the job.
  Everything is about perspective, and we can learn to view our situations in a different way and, consequently, handle them in a much better way.  So, next time you are having a rough day, feel free to steal this little bit of perspective to get yourself back on track.  Now, get out there and own your day!  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thoughts for Today


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