Friday, September 27, 2019


  Good Morning Friends!
  Someone told me yesterday that I need to start thinking about my day and my calendar and deciding what is most important with my time.  I need to take control of my own destiny a little bit, she advised me.  And I’ve been mulling that thought over for the last 24 hours. But while I 100% agree with her, her idea of prioritizing and mine couldn't be more opposite.  You see, she was talking about my job and putting more time into work.  But what she doesn't understand about me is that my life purpose is not my job.  So when I think about prioritizing my time, my job does not fall high on my list.  Is it important for me to make money to pay my bills?  Absolutely.  And is it important for me to do my absolute best while I'm at my job?  Extremely.  But, when given the opportunity to go to work or to chase my God given purpose, I will chase my purpose every time.
  I want to remind you this morning, friends, that God did not put you on this earth just to work a job.  I believe that every person has a higher calling. And if you are fulfilling your calling at your job, that is amazing.  I’m so happy for you; but if you aren’t, I want to encourage you to not get side tracked. It’s so easy to get sucked into the rat race of work, and housework, and life in general and forget that we are losing valuable time to accomplish what we were put here for.
  Life without purpose and direction is exhausting and discouraging. Have you been feeling that way? If so, maybe it’s time to look at your priorities. What are you doing this week to chase your dreams, goals, and purpose? Take some time today to realign your schedule to what matters most. I think you’ll find you are much happier and more fulfilled when you’re doing what you’re called to do.
  And one more thing, if your priorities don’t line up with what someone else thinks they should be, just remember that they aren’t living your life, and no one else has your exact same calling. Your picture doesn’t have to fit the mold. So get out there and do what matters today. I can’t wait to see you succeed!

Monday, September 2, 2019


  Good morning, Friends! Today, I’m thinking about something that probably doesn’t cross your mind often: sheep. 

  I don't know a lot about sheep, but I think they are something like dogs in that, they know, love, and follow their shepherd. They enjoy being around the person who cares for them, and they feel safe and loved being with the shepherd. In present day America, we may not see a whole lot of shepherds traveling around with their sheep. We have fences and barns, and there is not as much need for a person to stand watch over the flock constantly. But several thousand years ago, the people of Israel certainly would have understood the need for shepherds, and they would have grasped the special relationship between the shepherd and his flock, because this was a way of life for many of them. 

  This morning I was reading Psalm 23, and I was struck by the first verse. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." I was amazed by the thought of the special relationship the shepherd has with his sheep, and what that means for us. I started thinking about the way my dog treats me when I come home each day.  She is so excited to see me, she runs to me and shows me all the toys she has been playing with, and wherever I am in the house she is continually by me or on my lap. She never leaves my side when I am home. She is always watching from the window when I’m gone, and when I return she runs to the door. There is a very special bond there, and I imagine this is something like what David had in mind when he talked about the Lord being our shepherd. We should be so excited to be in the presence of our God, and we should do all we can to spend time with Him.

  Additionally, my dog has this habit of bringing me everything. Even things she is not allowed to have.  Each new toy or item she finds has to be brought to me to be inspected. And although she does not like when I take things from her, she continues to bring me items anyway. She has no fear of showing me what she's up to. And I think this is something we miss with God.  We don't necessarily think to bring before God each new  situation in our lives. Sometimes we even avoid bringing God our "things"  because we know He might ask us to put them down because they aren't good for us. But, the Lord is our shepherd, our guardian, and He always has our best interest in mind. We should be excited to go to Him knowing that He will only do that which will benefit us. 

  I think if we get back to being a little bit more "doglike" or "sheeplike" in our relationship with God, we will be much better off for it. We need to love Him, follow Him, and trust Him as our shepherd. This week, take a close look at your attitude toward your relationship with God. Are you excited to be with Him?  Start directing your time and intentionally bringing Him your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and each aspect of your life so He can direct you in what is good for you.  Make it a great week friends. I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thoughts for Today


  It's Sunday night. You've finally done it. You've created the perfect plan. You've meal prepped and time blocked; you'...