Hi Friends! I was thinking today about messes and how aggravating they can be. Messes drain our energy and focus, and they make us feel stressed, disorganized and overwhelmed. Living in an environment that is cluttered and messy can take a toll on us mentally and emotionally, and may even harm us physically if things get too messy. Additionally, have you heard that your outward environment is a reflection of your inward environment? Maybe you are surrounded by chaos because your thoughts are chaotic.
If you want to see improvements in your life this year, I encourage you to start by getting your environment cleaned up. This is one of the most fundamental steps you can take to get your life moving in the direction of your dreams and goals, and here are three ways you can start.
1. Make it a Routine
It has been said, “The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” And this is true when it comes to your environment too. Do you have a daily habit of cleaning and straightening up? Or do you spend all week throwing the mail, your work clothes, and the dirty dishes into piles until the weekend when you frantically try to gain control? A small shift in habits can make a big difference in your environment. A few changes that have helped me are: putting things away as soon as I am finished with them, doing a load of laundry and a sink of dishes every day, and not procrastinating; if there is mail I take care of it right away; if there is a mess I clean it up. These small shifts in habit make a big difference.
2. Don’t Let Things Pile Up
I don’t know about you, but I hate extra junk lying around. If I’m not using it, I’m not keeping it. The less things there are the less to clean, organize, pick up, etc. The strategy I use for keeping useless or unwanted items from piling up is this: First, if it’s broken, worn, or otherwise not worth giving away, I throw it out immediately. Secondly, I have a designated spot (the Livingroom closet) where I keep a bag. Anytime I come across something we aren’t using or don’t need, I put it in the bag. When the bag is full, I take it to donate. This prevents broken or unwanted items from piling up and frees up my energy to deal with other things.
3. Learn and Grow
If you are feeling stuck or unsure about how to clear the clutter or organize the messes in your life, there are two great books which helped me immensely. The first is Terri Savelle Foy’s Declutter Your Way to Success. This book changed my life dramatically and helped me learn to get my chaos under control and to see how my messes were holding me back from my dreams and goals. The second, ADD - Friendly Ways To Organize Your Life, by Judith Kolberg and Kathleen Nadeau, PH. D. Is chalk full of practical solutions for organizing your home and life. I had originally bought this to help my ten year old, but I found that it helped me far more than I ever expected.
In her 90 Day Devotional, Live Your Dreams, Terri Savelle Foy states, “A mess is any disagreement between the way you desire things to be and the way they actually are.” This year, it’s time to sort out the messes so you can break through to being the person you desire to be. Start making it your routine to be organized, find ways to eliminate clutter, and seek out ways to grow and become better in this area. I can’t wait to see you succeed!
~ K. L.W.