Hi There! This week I have been contemplating the idea of good or okay vs. what is best. You see, often times, what holds us back is not intentionally doing something wrong, but being unwilling to change when we know we could do something better. Generally, if we know something is flat out wrong or detrimental, we will make an effort to change it. However, if something is okay, or seems good enough where it is, we have a tendency to continue to put up with, indulge in, or stay stuck in it because it would take effort to make it better even though we know we could or should do so.
I was wrestling with this pattern of thinking in my own life recently. I have a habit which I knew I should put forth the effort to improve, but I hadn't done so yet. I was mulling over the work it would take to make the change and weighing if I felt like putting the energy into doing so, when I was convicted by this statement in my spirit. "It's not always that something is bad. It's just that it could be better." Whew! Having a standard of excellence is important. But man is it challenging sometimes. While it may be difficult or seem unnecessary to push ourselves to change something that is okay or even good as it is, these small changes are what separate us from the crowd and cause us to stand apart. We must be willing to not settle but demand from ourselves that we press toward greatness and excellence.
These small changes toward better are so important. In fact, Joyce Meyer often tells the story of how God dealt with her for years about small things like taking her grocery cart back to the where it belongs after leaving the store. She had a big dream, but God couldn't fulfill it in her until she was willing to go the extra mile and become more even in the small things.
Take a look around your life and ask yourself in what areas you are settling for okay when you should be great. And I don't mean being discontent. That's another topic in and of itself. What I mean is looking at your own habits and character and finding the small cracks that could be strengthened and sured up to create the solid foundation you need to propel you toward your dreams. Terri Savelle Foy says that when she was just beginning to move into living her dreams she heard God tell her, "You, don't be average, and your life won't be average." We must be willing to always move toward better if we want better, and I believe all of us do.
Life is a continual journey of improvement. Don't get stuck or give up and just accept that things are okay or good enough. You have what it takes to improve, become excellent, and make your habits and yourself better. Mediocre won't get you to your dreams and goals. You have to strive for better. I can't wait to see you succeed!