Hello Friends, this week I have been thinking about the voices that speak into our lives. In life, it's easy to become pulled one way or another by all the voices and influences surrounding us. Friends, family, our own internal dialog, even strangers on the internet seem to have a say in what we do or don't do, think or don't think these days. So how do we decide what's important and who to listen to?
I believe knowing who you will allow to speak into your life and your decisions starts with knowing your identity. Who are you? What is your purpose here on earth? For me, I find my identity in Jesus Christ and his love for me. I know I have worth and value because he says I do, enough that he was willing to give his life for me, and the same goes for you. When I know that I am deeply loved by an infinite God, and that everyone on this earth was made in his image and thus has value, it changes the way I think and behave, both towards myself and towards others. When someone tries to put me down or diminish my value, I know I can reject those voices because they aren't truth.
Secondly, determining the right voices is easier when you know where you are headed. I have found my purpose, my "Why," the reason I am on this earth. When you find your true north, it's easy to differentiate which voices are worth listening to and which aren't. Simply ask yourself if that voice lines up with your purpose and calling. If not, it may be a distracting voice, a detrimental voice, or simply a jealous voice. Don't let those voices become road blocks and detours on your path. Instead, listen to the voices that lead you forward, point the way, or encourage you on your journey.
Lastly, even our own voice can sometimes lead us astray, and this can be the most tricky one. Sometimes we rationalize things to ourselves. We are very good at believing our own lies. So how do you sort out the voices in our own head? I believe this also comes from knowing our source. For me, that means going back to the source of my identity, God and His Word. When we have a relationship with God, his spirit resides in us. Often when we make time to quiet our mind, we can start to hear that still small voice inside, the voice of the spirit guiding us on to the next step.
Take some time today to evaluate what voices have been wringing in your ears. Have you been being distracted, mislead, or discouraged by listening to the wrong people? Realign your identity, purpose, and spirit. Stop allowing those wrong voices to guide you, and instead listen to those who are in line with who you are and where you are going. I can't wait to see you succeed!
~K. L. W.