Thursday, May 27, 2021



 Hello Friends, this week I have been thinking about the voices that speak into our lives. In life, it's easy to become pulled one way or another by all the voices and influences surrounding us.  Friends, family, our own internal dialog, even strangers on the internet seem to have a say in what we do or don't do, think or don't think these days.  So how do we decide what's important and who to listen to?  

  I believe knowing who you will allow to speak into your life and your decisions starts with knowing your identity.  Who are you?  What is your purpose here on earth?  For me, I find my identity in Jesus Christ and his love for me.  I know I have worth and value because he says I do, enough that he was willing to give his life for me, and the same goes for you.  When I know that I am deeply loved by an infinite God, and that everyone on this earth was made in his image and thus has value, it changes the way I think and behave, both towards myself and towards others.  When someone tries to put me down or diminish my value, I know I can reject those voices because they aren't truth.  

  Secondly, determining the right voices is easier when you know where you are headed. I have found my purpose, my "Why," the reason I am on this earth.  When you find your true north, it's easy to differentiate which voices are worth listening to and which aren't.  Simply ask yourself if that voice lines up with your purpose and calling.  If not, it may be a distracting voice, a detrimental voice, or simply a jealous voice.  Don't let those voices become road blocks and detours on your path.  Instead, listen to the voices that lead you forward, point the way, or encourage you on your journey.  

  Lastly, even our own voice can sometimes lead us astray, and this can be the most tricky one.  Sometimes we rationalize things to ourselves.  We are very good at believing our own lies.  So how do you sort out the voices in our own head?  I believe this also comes from knowing our source.  For me, that means going back to the source of my identity, God and His Word.  When we have a relationship with God, his spirit resides in us. Often when we make time to quiet our mind, we can start to hear that still small voice inside, the voice of the spirit guiding us on to the next step.  

  Take some time today to evaluate what voices have been wringing in your ears.  Have you been being distracted, mislead, or discouraged by listening to the wrong people?  Realign your identity, purpose, and spirit.  Stop allowing those wrong voices to guide you, and instead listen to those who are in line with who you are and where you are going.  I can't wait to see you succeed!

~K. L. W. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021


   Good Morning Friends!  I am thinking today about dandelions.  You know those yellow flowers that take over your yard and most people consider weeds. It's spring time right now, and everything is lush and green, blossoming, and filled with life.  But yesterday, when I looked out my front window, I was struck by a group of dandelions at the base of a tree.  They were white and fluffy, dead, completely opposite of the budding world around them.  As I looked around I began to notice that all the dandelions in my yard were this way.  They were covered in those white seeds, or had already lost them and were just a dead blackened head on the stalk. 

  But here's the thing we all know about dandelions.  Those dandelions aren't really dead and gone.  No, quite the opposite.  All those white fluffy seeds that drop off will grow more and more dandelions.  In fact, I would not be surprised if in about a week my yard is covered over in yellow flowers.  (We don't mow as often as we should, in case you were wondering.)  So how does this apply to us?

  Sometimes in life, we feel like we are in a dead zone.  We feel as if things are falling apart.  We look around and see everyone else seemingly doing great, and here we are, stuck.  But the truth is, what often looks like a wasteland is setting us up for our oasis.  If you are willing to stick with your habits, be faithful to your goals, and hold on in faith when things look empty and gone around you, you will find that pretty soon, all those things which you thought were dead and gone, are actually sprouting up into an overflow.  

  Don't grow weary and discouraged in doing good.  (Galatians 6:9) Sometimes you have to hold on in faith, knowing that while things don't look like they can grow again, God is in the habit of creating something out of nothing. (Romans 4:17)  Things may not look alive right now, but we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) 

  If things in your life look dead right now, stay in faith, keep taking action, and give it time.  Pretty soon, you will look up and see things are beginning to blossom.  I can't wait to see you succeed!

~K. L.W. 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

One Size Fits All

   Hi There!  This week I was listening to a podcast in which Jim Collins was talking about the idea that books, movies, brands, etc which claim they are "for everyone" are destined to fail.  I thought that was an interesting concept, because after all, it would seem that if you can connect with everyone, you will cast a wider net and have more fans, readers, customers, etc.  But the truth is, nothing is truly "for everyone." And the sooner we realize and capitalize on our niche markets, the better we can grow. 

  You may be thinking, "Ok great. But I don't own a company, book, movie, or brand."  Well that's ok, because this blog is actually about you.  Have you ever tried to be "for everyone?"  Have you tried to make everyone your friend, fit in, play your part, and not rock the boat?  Many people are so afraid of upsetting someone or of not being friends with everyone that they are willing to compromise their beliefs, values, or unique preferences just to fit in.  But just like brands are never really "one size fits all," so people who "stand for nothing will fall for everything."  

  Now, I am not advocating that you be rude, unloving, or argumentative.  We have enough of that going on in the world.  But what I am suggesting is that you get to know your unique brand and then work on developing that.  Maybe you are passionate about helping the homeless, but you think it would just kill your best friend if you told her you wanted to volunteer at the shelter on Saturdays instead of your weekly shopping trip.  Or perhaps you work in the nursery at church because sweet Aunt Mary said you would be good there, but what you really want to do is help with the floral displays up front each week.  It's time to stop worrying so much about what other people think and start stepping into what you are best at.  And who knows, there maybe someone else who is wonderful with babies and was just waiting for a spot to open up.  

  Sometimes we get so caught up in just playing the part we've been assigned, that we forget to ask ourselves what part we were designed to play.  We each have talents and gifts that are unique to us, but when we try to operate to please everyone, we often miss what we are best at and where we could be most beneficial.  

  This week, do some soul searching.  Find out what your brand is, and lean into it.  Don't be afraid to break a few molds or capsize a few boats.  The sooner you start living into your niche, the greater impact you can make for good on the world and the people around you.  You may not be "for everyone."  But you can make a lasting impact when you discover who or what you are supposed to focus your time, energy and talents on.  Step into your zone this week.  I can't wait to see you succeed!

~K. L. W. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021



Hello Friends!  Have you ever spent your day rushing around, only to lay down in bed at night and wonder if you got anything at all done?  I know I have, and if you are like most of us, you've probably done this more often than you want to admit.  We live in a society that wears busyness like a badge of honor.  But are we really helping ourselves with all this craziness?  Or are we just making ourselves stressed out and tired but no farther ahead?  We continually spend so much time rushing from one thing to the next, and we never stop to ask ourselves if what we are doing is actually productive.  It seems the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and whatever yells the loudest in our lives gets the attention.  But what if we changed our mindset, stopped being continually busy, slowed down, and accomplished more by doing less?  Is this possible? Yes.  But it will take a little bit of work and effort on your part.  Here are three strategies I learned from experts which have helped me take my life to another level of productivity. 

  The first key to getting our lives out of the rat race and into the state of productivity is to determine what it is we are actually trying to accomplish.  Once you know your goals you can center you activities around them.  But how do you know if you're progressing toward your goals? Jack Canfield says in The Success Principles, "Keep score on the five things that would advance your personal and professional objectives the most." So ask yourself, what five activities are the markers of my top objectives?  Then make it your aim to prioritize those each day.  This will allow you to go to bed knowing you have accomplished the most important things and moved yourself one step closer to your goals.  

  Once you know your top priorities, you still need to make them happen within the framework of your day, and this can be difficult to do without a schedule.  You may have great intentions at the beginning of your day, but if you don't have a plan, it's likely you will get pulled away into doing other things and either forget or run out of time for what's important.  There are so many tools and strategies for scheduling your life, and you need to find one that works for you.  However, the one I have found most beneficial for me is something called Time Mapping which I learned from Terri Savelle Foy.  You can get the free download which she uses (and I do too) to schedule your week and prioritize your goals each day in the link provided. Time Map - Terri Savelle Foy Ministries | You know the saying.  "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." 

    The last way to be more productive and less busy may actually surprise you because it seems like the opposite of getting things done.  But this one tip which I learned from Joyce Meyer can make a world of difference in your day.  Schedule yourself margins.  What does that mean?  Give yourself more time than you think you need, and provide buffers of ten to fifteen minutes between activities.  Too often when we find ourselves rushing around it's because we crammed too many things into the day, and we can't get them all done.  This causes us to be stressed, overwhelmed, and to make careless mistakes in our haste.  Give yourself more time than you need, and you will be able to flow through your day peacefully.  This will also prevent you from being in a hurry and snapping at others who may slow you down.  If you've built extra time in, you won't be thrown into a panic when your coworker asks for help on a project or your child needs last minute art supplies from the store.  Build margins into your schedule and you will thank yourself later. 

  We live in a world that is always pushing us to do more. Don't let your life keep rushing by in a blur. Ask yourself what your most important priorities are, and be willing to let the less important things slide.  Make a plan to keep yourself on track, and be sure to give yourself some wiggle room within your day.  It's time to stop rushing and start accomplishing.  Let go of busy and become productive.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thoughts for Today


  It's Sunday night. You've finally done it. You've created the perfect plan. You've meal prepped and time blocked; you'...