Hi there! This week we are talking about Reading, and in case you hadn't heard, this is one of my FAVORITE things in the whole world. I LOVE books! In fact, years ago before my husband and I had the money to buy a house, I wrote a wish list of things I wanted in our dream home. Floor to ceiling bookshelves were on that list. And guess what? When we looked at the home we live in now, I walked into the livingroom and there were two bookshelves covering the wall. I was sold right then and there.
Ok, you might be wondering, besides the fact that I'm a total nerd, why do I love books so much? Well, because books can transport you to another world, teach you a new skill, and quite literally, transform your life. As an English major, I have read everything from Beowulf (an old English poem written somewhere between 700-100 AD) to Monster (a contemporary teen novel by Walter Dean Myers). And while I enjoy reading works of fiction from all eras of history, what really changed my life was when I began to read to improve myself.
When one of my mentors told me I could move toward my dreams and goals by reading, I was thrilled. After all, I love reading, remember? But reading personal growth books is not always as exciting as reading a mystery novel. In fact, sometimes its hard and tedious. You may have to read and re-read as you learn and apply the concepts to your life. And as in all things, consistency is the key to getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to reading. You can't read one book and expect your life to be better forever. You have to keep growing and seeking out new knowledge.
We are privileged to live in an era when books are readily available. Throughout much of history, most people did not know how to read. Large groups of people (women, poor, slaves) were excluded from learning to read, and could be punished for doing so. And why do you think that is? Because those in power knew if they let women, slaves, and poor people learn to read, they would claim personal power and begin to improve their lives. We live in an age where much of the world has the opportunity to learn to read, and in America, there are libraries with books that can be borrowed for free. This opens up avenues that were never before possible. To not take advantage of this privilege is to do a disservice to those who came before us and fought so hard for us to have the right and the access to knowledge.
In the book of Proverbs, Solomon stated, "Get wisdom, get understanding [...] Though it cost you all you have, get understanding." (Proverbs 4) We are blessed to live at a time when wisdom is readily available, but it's up to us to take advantage of it. In fact, to not do so is detrimental and foolish. The book of Hosea says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6) When we choose not to take advantage of the wisdom available to us, we actively destroy our lives. We have answers and solutions at our finger tips in books. And reading is one of the simplest ways to begin to find the knowledge we need and bring about change in our lives.

Today, I want to encourage you, whether you are an avid reader or haven't picked up a book since high school, seek out knowledge. Pick up a book on a subject you want to improve in, and start consistently reading. You've been given the privilege of access to knowledge. But as the saying goes, with privilege comes responsibility. Don't neglect the opportunity right at your fingertips. Grab a book and start to see the transforming power it can have on your life. Get reading this week! I can't wait to see you succeed!