Thursday, August 4, 2022

A Fresh Take


    Hey Friends! It's been a little while, and I wanted to take a moment to share a few thoughts with you. Recently I shared a video on social media, talking about why it is that I do what I do. It's something that I've been thinking about a lot. I'm on many platforms, and I invest tons of time daily, and ultimately, I don't want what I do to just be busy work. I want it to have purpose and meaning, to be fulfilling a calling and making an impact. And I bet, if I asked you, you would feel the same way about the things you do. After all, we live in a very busy culture, one that equates busyness with success. But in reality, we can spend a lot of time being busy and not actually accomplishing anything worthwhile or purposeful. And at the end of the day, that's a pretty sad way to live. 

    So, everyone once in a while, we need to pull our head up out of the rat race and ask ourselves why we're doing all this. Is it because we think it will make us happy? Or is it because someone we respected told us we should live this way? Are we looking for approval, or trying to be "good enough?" There's a lot of reasons why we get caught in the busyness, and it happens to all of us from time to time. Which is why I made a point this week of really asking myself to think deeply about and reconnect to my purpose. And I want to encourage you to do the same. 

    For me, when it really comes down to it, there are three reasons for all the work I do. One is because I believe we were created to create. Another is because I want to make a meaningful impact on the world. And the last is because I believe in the power of growth to change our lives, and I want to do everything in my power to grow myself and then help others do the same. Because the more we all grow, the better off we are, and the better off we can leave the world. Ultimately, I want to add value, through what I create, by growing myself and helping grow others, and by making a meaningful contribution to the world. 

    So, I want to ask you; have you been running the race without stopping to question why? Are you caught in the busyness trap? If so, take some time this week to really ask yourself why your here and what you're doing. And once you find the answer, center yourself around that. Leave behind what you don't need and start living a more purposeful and peaceful existence. I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thoughts for Today


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