Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Creating Lifestyle

  Ok, so here's the thing order to build the lifestyle you want, you have to create habits which form your lifestyle.  In order to create habits you have to take consistent action.  And that's what makes creating lifestyle so difficult.  You see, it's not that everyone can't have the lifestyle they want... because they can.  But the truth is that most of us have not gotten consistent enough with our habits to produce the results we want.  And if that statement ticks you off a little bit, it's ok, because it ticks me off too.  It's hard to take a look at ourselves and admit that we are the reason we aren't getting what we want in life.  But if you are willing to accept the truth of where you stand, then you can also take responsibility for fixing it.  And that's where things get exciting.  Well, sorta.
  Honestly, consistency isn't necessarily fun.  The day in, day out habits which create lifestyle are usually not anything spectacular, and that's why it's easy to get distracted or quit doing what you know you should be doing.  Truthfully, consistency means continuing in your habit when you don't feel like it, and when you really, really don't feel like it, and when you just plain don't want to.  But it's this willingness to press on despite our feelings that separates the winners from the losers, and I know you guys are destined to be winners.  You wouldn't be reading this if you weren't.
  If you're feeling a bit frustrated or irritated with where you are in life right now, it's time to evaluate your habits.  Do you have consistent habits?  And if you don't, it's time to start forming them.  Is it easy to form new habits?  Not always.  But will building and keeping new, positive habits begin changing your life little by little?  You bet!
  You were destined to have lifestyle and to live victoriously.  Begin taking the steps you need to today, and then stick with them, tomorrow, and next week, and next year, and you will look back one day and your life will be completely different.  I'm so excited to see where you are after taking consistent action towards your dreams and goals.  Let's walk it out together!   I can't wait to see you succeed!


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