Monday, June 11, 2018

Get Moving

  Happy Monday Folks!  Ready to kick it into high gear this week?  I've got some hard hitting thoughts for you this morning, but stick with me.  I heard a really great podcast by Joyce Meyer yesterday which got me fired up thinking about a few things.  (Living Like a Superhero-Part 1)  In this audio she mentions the fact that there is a big difference between people who just don't know what to do and people who know what they should do and still choose not to do it.  She also makes the point that being passive and lazy is giving our authority over our life to the devil.  Ouch.  I don't know about you, but when I heard that I could think of a few things that I have been neglecting doing that I needed to get a move on.
  I believe that each of us are made with a great destiny or purpose in life.  Now, if you don't know what your purpose is, you aren't off the hook.  Your mission until you discover God's specific purpose for you should be to grow yourself through learning, reading, listening, and getting around mentors who can help you become more of the person you were meant to be. Your goal is to become the best version of you and help as many people as you can along the way.  And, if you do know what your purpose is but you aren't taking action towards it, don't wait another day.  Maybe your dream seems too big, too expensive, too far away.  Well, I've got news for you.  If God gave you a dream, He also gave you everything you need to accomplish it.  Let that sink in for a minute.  The only thing holding you back is fear and doubt.  It's time to break through that wall and get on your way to victory.   You can choose to change yourself, or you can wait until adversity forces you to change, and I can promise you, it's a lot better if you choose the first option.
  So, how do you break through that wall of fear and get on your way?  Well, start with a plan.  If you know you are supposed to open a restaurant, go back to school, start a non-profit, whatever it is, begin with making a plan.  It might be a five year plan to get the finances together, or a one year plan to acquire the right licenses or certifications.  Whatever you know you need, make a plan to accomplish it.  And here's the thing.  Things won't go exactly according to your plan.  And that's ok.  (My Way or the Highway)  Just by making a plan, you are putting faith in your purpose, and this is your first step through the Wall of Fear, as Bruce Wilkinson puts it (The Dream Giver).
  Ok, now that you've got a long term plan, it's time to plan your week, and write down specific actions you can take each day towards your goal.  You may need to fill out one college application a day, call five potential investors this week, or read about your subject for half an hour each day.  Whatever the action is that you need to take, plan it into your week and follow through!  If you need some help with planning your week, check out, How to Have a Good Week.
  Lastly, don't get discouraged.  There will be days when you will fail.  There will be weeks when you feel you aren't making progress.  Everyone has moments like that.  The important thing is to stay on track, keep your eyes focused on where you are going and not where you are, and keep pressing forward.
  God has created you with a magnificent purpose for your life, and there are people out there whos lives depend on your success.  One of my mentors likes to ask the questions, "Who loses if you don't win?"  Never think for a second that you aren't part of a great plan.  A.Z. Tozer says, "We can be in our day what the heroes of faith were in their day--but remember at the time they didn't know they were heroes."  (As taken from Girls With Swords by Lisa Bevere)
  You were made for awesome things.  Don't let this week pass you by!  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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