Saturday, June 23, 2018

Go With the Flow

  Do you ever just want things to happen Right Now, like that job or promotion, your kids to grow up, vacation, or paying off your debt?  Sometimes we have a tendency to want to speed things up, to have all that we want immediately, but what we need to realize is that there is a natural ebb and flow to life, a perfect rhythm of ups and downs, and if we can learn to live in the Spirit and keep in step with God's timing, we will live at peace through each and every season of life.
  Did you know that life's circumstances don't have to be good for you to be at peace?  You can experience peace in the midst of loss, pain, sickness, and  disappointment.  You see, peace isn't based on our outward experiences, but on a calm assurance that our God is in control and that He is working things together for our good.  (Romans 8:28)
 When you learn to live with this surety, you will not be swayed by every frustration that comes your way, but instead you can cast your cares and live in freedom and joy. (1 Peter 5:7)  You will find that when you learn to live this way, your days will be filled with more joy and peace than you could have imagined.
  So how do you learn to live in this rhythm?  Well, like most things in life, it's a process which takes time.  It doesn't happen over night, but if you are diligent about pursuing God, you will find that little by little you will get in step with Him and learn to live in His Spirit.  The Bible says that there will come a time when people will worship God in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24)  I believe this means that God's people will be deeply connected to Him through the Holy Spirit, and that they will worship God by living out their days in the power and peace of His Spirit, and that time is now.
  If you aren't sure where to begin, start by spending daily time reading the Bible and praying.  I suggest journaling your prayers and conversations with God.  During your prayer time, take time to pause and listen for anything God lays on your heart.  This is the Holy Spirit speaking to you.  At first this might seem strange, but the more you practice, the more you will begin to recognize God's leading in your life, and you will begin to live within God's rhythms.  Just as in any marriage, to create a deeper bond and live more closely with your spouse you must get to know one another by spending time together and talking with them and listening to them, our relationship with God must be nurtured in the same way if we expect to live in step with Him.
  Secondly, begin learning from others who may be farther along in there spiritual walk.  Some of my favorite authors which have helped develop my walk with God in significant ways are, Terri Savelle Foy, Joseph Prince, Joel Osteen, and Joyce Meyer.  I encourage you to seek out ways to learn and grow yourself.  The more spiritually mature you become, the more the workings of God's Spirit will make sense to you and help you to live as He desires.
  Lastly, don't get overwhelmed or frustrated with where you are at.  God loves you right now, right here in the midst of whatever struggle you are facing.  You do not have to be good enough for God.  He already took care of that.  Your only job is to grow closer to Him each day and learn to live as His Spirit calls you.  Start to walk in peace and ease today.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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