Monday, June 4, 2018

The Wishing Well

  Ever find yourself wishing it were next month?  Or next year?  Or next paycheck?  A large portion of life is spent waiting, in the in between time.  And waiting is not easy.  Believe me, I'm not great at it.  Sometimes waiting is excited waiting... like when your birthday is coming or Christmas.  Sometimes waiting is frustrated when the loan hasn't gone through on your house or you haven't found that new job you want.  It seems that at every point in life we are waiting on something, whether good or bad, and since that's the case, we should get good at being patient.
 If we are willing to stop and really take in our surroundings and just be at peace with our waiting, we will see there is a lot to be learned and enjoyed during our stretches of wait time.  Just as a long commute can be a time waste, or you can utilize it by listening to audios which will help you grow personally or advance your career, you can use the times when you are waiting to waste your life or to maximize the time you've been given.  Maybe the delay on your house is giving you a few extra weeks to save up for the closing costs.  There's always growth to be attained in every season of life, and as Joyce Meyer often says, "If you don't pass the test, God will let you take it again."  I don't know about you, but I don't like retesting.  Make a habit of asking, "What is it I should be learning right now?"  and then embrace whatever challenge you need to overcome.
  If you find yourself in the fun waiting phase of life right now, use this time to boost your happiness and that of others around you.  Use your excitement to find things to celebrate each day and pass the time enjoying your wait.
  Lastly, I want to leave you with an important thought my Pastor shared with our church this week.   Remember that your life is not somewhere out there in the future.  It's right here and now.  There is a plan and a purpose for you right where you are at.  Don't waste your whole life thinking, "Next month I'll do this, or when I retire I'll do that."  Live in the moment and make the most of each day. You were meant to do great things!   I can't wait to see you succeed!


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