Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Hit Refresh

  Good Morning Friends!  Ever feel like you've sunken into a lull?  Like maybe you are just dragging along getting through each day instead of excelling like you were mean to do?  We all go through times that are not as exciting as others in life, and we all go through days when we feel like we're trudging through mud just trying to get by.  But you don't have to stay stuck where you're at.  You can reinvigorate yourself and get back on your way.  Here are a few simple strategies to use to get yourself back up and moving forward.
  The first thing I usually do if I am in a slump is to find a day when I don't have anything else planned.  I usually pick my first available day off, and I set that as my refresh day.  Then, I use that day to do a few specific things.  The first of these things is rest.  You may feel like I am harping on rest, because I've even written a few posts about it, but I cannot overstate the value of being well rested.  God did not intend for us to run our bodies into the ground and exhaust ourselves trying to build our empires.  Psalm 127:2 says, "In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat-- for He grants sleep to those He loves."  God wants us to function at our optimum health, and part of that means taking care of our physical bodies by giving them the rest and nutrition they need.
  Secondly, on my reset day, I take time to really sit down and read, pray, and write out my goals and ambitions for the year and get a plan of action together.  Sometimes we get off course and get discouraged and we lose sight of what it is we were working towards in the first place.  Use your day of relaxation to fix your eyes back on the goal so that you can start pressing forward with full steam.     The third thing I do on this day is to get organized.  I organize my space, my week, my finances, anything that I need to clear out so that I can get mentally focused and get back on track with moving forward.
  Lastly, try to get some time outside if you can.  Go for a long walk at a nearby park and just allow yourself to clear out your headspace.  Pray, meditate, just breath.  The mind body connection is amazing.
  When you get your mind and your environment free of clutter, and you take the time to refresh yourself and retrain your focus, you find yourself lifted out of your slump and ready to start the next day.  You will go to bed and wake up with excitement for where you are headed.  Don't allow yourself to stay in a slump.  Give yourself the refreshing you need, and get moving on your journey again.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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