Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Fake Fight

  Friends, I want to share something with you tonight that is still fresh and raw for me. I am hoping though that by sharing it you will be blessed and encouraged to persevere.   I want you to understand that the enemy we face is very real, and he walks about “as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”  (1 Peter 5:8)  But what I also want to remind you is that, if God is for us, Nothing can win against us! (Romans 8:31)
   Now, what I want to share with you is this; often times when we try to make important, life altering changes, we run up against opposition. We are in a war, and our success is the enemy’s worst nightmare, and he will try every trick to make sure we do not succeed.   I’ve found that the process of change looks something like this...
  First, we get an inkling that change is needed. Perhaps we read about a new habit or feel the Spirit tugging on us to move in a new direction. It is often at this point that we begin wrestling with doubt. We face questions such as, “Do I really NEED to make that change?”  “What if I can’t do it?” “How will I find the time?”  And we let ourselves off the hook with excuses like, “It’s too hard.”  “I’m too tired.”  Or, “I’ll do it later.”  A lot of us get sidetracked right here. We wander away and put off or give up entirely on what we know deep down we should do.  If, however, you push past the doubt and make a decision to move forward, you are often confronted with the second road block on your way too change. For lack of a better label, we could call this obstacle, “circumstances.”
  Here’s where the rubber meets the road and you’ve decided to take the first steps.  But suddenly, as if out of no where, detours start to appear.  You start your diet and a friend brings in cookies for lunch. You decide to walk outside and it rains.  You vow to get up earlier, but your baby keeps you up half the night. It is here that you can choose to let your feelings win, or you can push forward. If you do so now though, know that you are playing for keeps. When your success means that others will benefit and God’s glory will be displayed, you can rest assured the devil will show up in full force to try to stop what you’ve got going.
  It’s at this point that you might receive a curveball, something so unexpected you decide maybe it’s not worth it to go on. Friend, dig in because if you’re facing this right now you need to know that your victory is only a few short steps of faith away. The enemy attacks hardest when you are nearest to your breakthrough.  Do not fall for the lies. Do not lay down and give up. Hold your chin up high and declare as Jesus did, “It is finished!” (John 19:30)  Warrior, your enemy has already been defeated. Don’t let him trick you into thinking he’s got a chance. Persevere, for you are being cheered on by a great cloud of witnesses. (Hebrews 12:1) Whatever you are being called to today, don’t give up. Others are counting on you to win. I can’t wait to see you come out on the other side successful.


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