Thursday, April 16, 2020

Making Ourselves Busy

  Hello friends!  It has been a really long time... like, five months to be exact.  And believe me, it's not that I haven't been thinking about anything for the last five months or that I haven't had anything to say, but you know... life has a way of pulling you, this way and that, and sometimes the things we want to do get flung by the wayside.  If you're anything like me, you may have a tendency to put your creative pursuits on the back burner sometimes in the name of all the other "important" things that need done. 
  And while I am the queen of preaching that we all need to put our dreams and goals first, even I get tripped up by the rat race sometimes and lose sight of what is really important.  Sometimes though, it's not even so much that we're actually busy.  It's that we make ourselves busy to avoid what we know we should be doing.  Maybe we're afraid or discouraged; maybe we think no one cares to read or hear or see what we make or write or do.  Sometimes being busy or tired is just a coverup to get us out of doing the really hard stuff. 
  The problem is, once we start to think this way, we get stuck.  We stall out on the hill, and anyone who's ever driven a standard knows, when you stall out on a hill, you don't just sit there.  You start to roll backward.  And to make matters worse, in order to get started again, you are probably going to lose a little more ground before you gain traction. 
  We're living in very unique circumstances right now, and maybe you have had to put some things on hold; vacations, financial moves, events, etc.  But maybe, just maybe, this can be a time when you look around and realize you've been making yourself really busy, and you don't have an excuse anymore.  Maybe it's time to his the gas and start moving on your projects, your dreams, and your goals.  Maybe, at a time when the rest of the world has come to a screeching halt, you can find your vision and head out onto the open road.  I'm not saying it will be easy, (getting started on a hill is challenging), but I do think it's time for us to drop the act and stop pretending that anything except ourselves is holding us back from accomplishing and doing what we care about.
   Put a stop to the busy today.  Real or imagined, the constant pursuit of doing everything except what really matters has no place in our lives. Get out there and get after your goals today.  No more excuses.  I can't wait to see you succeed!

~K. L. White-Hartman 

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