Thursday, August 27, 2020

Know Your Sheep

 Good Morning,

I want to talk to you today about a few verses I came across this morning in my reading:  

Proverbs 27:23-27

"Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations.  When the hay is removed and new growth appears and the grass from the hills is gathered in, the lambs will provide you with clothing, and the goats with the price of a field.  You will have plenty of goats' milk to feed you and your family and to nourish your servant girls."  (NIV)

At first glance this doesn't appear to have much practical application for us today.  Most of us aren't sheep farmers.  But in ancient Israel, this had a very literal meaning.  Most of them were sheep herders, and they understood that tending their flock would ensure they could provide food and clothing for themselves and their families no matter what the economic climate.  

From a modern perspective, I would suggest that our sheep are no longer literal sheep, but rather the special skills and character we build within ourselves.  Have you ever heard a wealthy business owner state that even if he lost it all and was reduced to zero, he could build it all back again?  That's because he knows the condition of his sheep.  He has taken time to develop himself and his skill set, and he knows that if he loses a job, or a company, or his money, he can earn it back again with the knowledge, habits, and character he possesses.  

Today we tend our sheep by spending time studying our field and also growing ourselves.  Learning people skills, time management, positive attitude, and creating good habits is the modern day equivalent of caring for your herd.  When you develop yourself you can thrive no matter what life throws at you.  Your job is downsized?  No problem.  You can use what you know to get another or build your own company to provide for your family.  An investment goes south?  With what you have developed in yourself, you can learn from the setback and come back stronger.  

Take the time today to start growing your flock.  Make reading and personal growth a daily habit, study in your field of expertise to get better, learn from mentors, and develop positive habits.  When things start to fall apart, you will have confidence because you have been caring for your sheep.  Pay careful attention to the condition of your flock.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Main Thing

   Have you ever had a big life goal, something you want to move toward, but you just can't seem to get the traction you want?  It can feel like everyone else is moving forward, and there you are just stuck in the mud spinning your wheels.  There are usually three reasons why people get bogged down and don't move forward.  One is that they don't have a clear goal.  If you don't know where you are going, it's hard to get there.  Imagine a being stuck in a large mud pit in a truck, but instead of driving straight through, you turn your wheels left and gun it for a few minutes, then put it in reverse, then turn right, and so on and so forth.  Essentially, you are just going to dig yourself a deeper hole and never get closer to getting out, because you aren't consistently moving forward.  To get where you are going, you have to first have a clear goal and direction.  

    Secondly, once you know where you are headed, you have to push the gas.  Many of us know what we want in life, and we may have even written out our goals, but it does no good to put them on paper and just sit down and stare at them.  We have to get the wheels moving.  With no action, we get no closer to our goals.  In the mud pit situation, we cannot just put the truck in park.  We have to consistently apply pressure to the gas peddle to make the wheels turn and pull ourselves forward toward where we are heading.  

    Lastly, if we want to accomplish our dreams and goals, we have to stay focused.  We need to keep the main thing the main thing.  There are so many things we can spend our time on, and we can easily trick ourselves into thinking that because we are busy we are making progress.  But busy does not equal productive.  We have to put our time and energy into the things that matter most when it comes to reaching our goals.  In our mud pit scenario, busyness is akin to cleaning the outside of the truck.  After you have been spinning your tires for a period, you notice that you now have mud all over the outside of your truck.  So you get out, go get a bucket and some soap, and you stand in the mud, washing the truck off.  Now, in theory what you are doing is good, right?  Having a clean vehicle is important.  But in relationship to your goal of getting out of the mud, cleaning your truck is not helpful.  Similarly, we get ourselves off track in all kinds of ways by doing those little tasks or projects that aren't the most important.  

    If you're feeling a little stuck today, take some time to get clear on the direction you're headed, then start taking action, and stay focused on the most important tasks.  Repeat this daily, and you will soon find yourself climbing out of the mud and onto the highway again.  Learn to prioritize and get yourself moving forward.  I can't wait to see you succeed!  


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Your Most Valuable Asset

   Good Morning, Friends!  Ever wonder what your most valuable asset is?  Is it your home?  You car?  Your furniture?  How about something more personal, like your family, your dog, or your grandmother's jewelry?  I would argue that all of these answers would be wrong, and I don't need an appraiser to tell you this.  Why?  Because your most valuable asset is your TIME!  

    I read a quote this week from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Guard well your spare moments.  They are like uncut diamonds.  Discard them and their value will never be known.  Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."  Are you making the most of the uncut gems in your life?  Or are you tossing them away, always wondering why you aren't getting closer to your dreams and goals?  If you're sick of wasting this valuable resource,  and you're ready to start making the most of your time, then here are three simple hacks that you can use to be more productive.  

    1.  Put yourself first.  

        What do I mean by this?  I mean, schedule the things that matter to you first thing in the day.  Give yourself and your dreams peak priority.  If working out is important to you, quit trying to do it after work when you are already exhausted.  Make a commitment to give the best hours to yourself, not to your job or any other entity.  When you utilize your time to focus on your goals and priorities first thing, you will find you have more energy and enthusiasm to pour into your job, your family, and every other area of your life.  

    2.  Use phone apps.

        Now, at first this might seem like counter productive advice.  After all, our phones can be huge distractions and time wasters with social media access and entertainment right at our fingertips. But if you're like most people, your phone is probably the one item you always have with you, and this means you can use those apps to be productive when you're stuck in standstill traffic, waiting to pick up your kid from practice, at the dentist office; virtually anywhere where you have a few minutes to spare, phone apps can be extremely helpful.  Here's the types I recommend.  A reading app (Like Kindle).  Use this to read on subjects that you want to learn more about, finance, relationships, health, etc.  Whenever you have  few free minutes, pull out your phone and learn.  An organizing app, (Like Microsoft To Do).  Always know what you are doing when.  Store important dates and details, your grocery list, and everything else you can think of.  Save yourself the valuable time of losing dates or important items by having them all organized in your phone.  A podcast app (take your pick.)  Podcasts are a great way to increase your knowledge on any subject and learn from experts.  They are also a great way to compound your time, and remember, time is your most valuable asset.  You can listen while exercising, driving, cooking dinner, or getting ready for your day.  Thus doubling up on two important activities at once.  

3.  Keep your priorities in front of you.

    If you know what is most important, then you know what to spend your time on, and what you don't need to waste time on.  Writing down your specific goals and keeping them visible is one of the best ways to make the most of your time.  If you know, for example that your goal is to read 10 pages of a book a day, than you are reminded to spend your time on reading, rather than surfing the web before bed.  Knowing your "MUST do" list will help you use your time to do those things that matter most.  So, before each week begins, take some time to get clear about exactly what you want to accomplish that week.  Then, write it down and follow through (see point 1...schedule your must do list first, and point 2...keep it in front of you by putting it on your phone screen or setting reminders.)

    Friends, I don't believe any of you would take your money and crumple it in a ball and throw it away.  That would be foolish.  But if you wouldn't throw your money away, you shouldn't throw your time away either, because time is the one asset you can't get back.  You can make more money, but you cannot make more time.  Start seeing time as your most valuable asset and using it accordingly.  Your future self will thank you. Make the most of the time you have. I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thursday, August 6, 2020

What Hasn't Changed

  Hello, Friends.  I have been thinking lately about all the things that have changed in our world this year.  It has been crazy and chaotic.  I don't know about you, but I've never lived in a pandemic before, and so everything seems new and different and frustrating.  Plans have been cancelled, social norms have been shifted, our confidence has been shaken.  It can be easy to become blindsided by the upheaval and feel as if there is no solid ground anywhere.  But in truth, there are some things that haven't changed, and if we choose to focus on these, we can find our footing to deal with the rest.  
1.  Vegetables are good for you.  
  Seems simplistic right?  But that's what we need right now.  Simple, solid foundations.  Vegetables are healthy.  They contain vitamins and nutrients our bodies need.  If you're looking for a good place to start to regain some stability, why not eat more veggies at every meal?  Your body will thank you for it.  
2.  Being kind to everyone you meet is still good advice.
  There is a lot of hurt in our world right now.  There is fear and anger and hatred running rampant, and in the midst of it all, voices are crying out to be heard.  People want justice and equality and life.  And while you may not be able to solve a world crisis or end all the turmoil, you can be nice to each person you meet, and that will go farther than you think.  The ripple effects of kindness can make a difference.  But it's up to you to keep dropping those pebbles in the water.  
3.  Our bodies still need rest.
  No, I do not mean laying on the couch and binging Netflix.  We have all had entirely too much of that this year.  What I do mean is allowing your body, mind, and spirit to completely shut off and truly rest.  We don't function well when we are depleted, and one of the best ways to refill is to give ourselves true rest.
4.  Exercise boosts endorphins.
  If the craziness of life has gotten you down lately, take some time to go for a walk, try some yoga, or hit the gym.  (Disclaimer:  I have no medical or nutritional degrees or qualifications, please consult a real doctor before doing something new.)  Science has proven that our bodies generate more endorphins through exercise, so if you need a happiness boost, get your sweat on.  
5.  God is still in control.
  Most of all, when this world seems out of control, it's nice to look outside ourselves and know that God is still in control.  This does not excuse us from doing our part, but it should give us the confidence to continue living our lives, knowing that we can trust there is a grander plan in motion.  

  Friends, a lot has changed, for better or for worse, but there are still some things that hold true.  Embrace new, adjust, pivot, grow, but also look for stability in the unchanging. Eat your veggies, go for a walk, take a nap, be kind, and trust God with the rest.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thoughts for Today


  It's Sunday night. You've finally done it. You've created the perfect plan. You've meal prepped and time blocked; you'...