Good Morning,
I want to talk to you today about a few verses I came across this morning in my reading:
Proverbs 27:23-27
"Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations. When the hay is removed and new growth appears and the grass from the hills is gathered in, the lambs will provide you with clothing, and the goats with the price of a field. You will have plenty of goats' milk to feed you and your family and to nourish your servant girls." (NIV)
At first glance this doesn't appear to have much practical application for us today. Most of us aren't sheep farmers. But in ancient Israel, this had a very literal meaning. Most of them were sheep herders, and they understood that tending their flock would ensure they could provide food and clothing for themselves and their families no matter what the economic climate.
From a modern perspective, I would suggest that our sheep are no longer literal sheep, but rather the special skills and character we build within ourselves. Have you ever heard a wealthy business owner state that even if he lost it all and was reduced to zero, he could build it all back again? That's because he knows the condition of his sheep. He has taken time to develop himself and his skill set, and he knows that if he loses a job, or a company, or his money, he can earn it back again with the knowledge, habits, and character he possesses.
Today we tend our sheep by spending time studying our field and also growing ourselves. Learning people skills, time management, positive attitude, and creating good habits is the modern day equivalent of caring for your herd. When you develop yourself you can thrive no matter what life throws at you. Your job is downsized? No problem. You can use what you know to get another or build your own company to provide for your family. An investment goes south? With what you have developed in yourself, you can learn from the setback and come back stronger.
Take the time today to start growing your flock. Make reading and personal growth a daily habit, study in your field of expertise to get better, learn from mentors, and develop positive habits. When things start to fall apart, you will have confidence because you have been caring for your sheep. Pay careful attention to the condition of your flock. I can't wait to see you succeed!