Thursday, August 6, 2020

What Hasn't Changed

  Hello, Friends.  I have been thinking lately about all the things that have changed in our world this year.  It has been crazy and chaotic.  I don't know about you, but I've never lived in a pandemic before, and so everything seems new and different and frustrating.  Plans have been cancelled, social norms have been shifted, our confidence has been shaken.  It can be easy to become blindsided by the upheaval and feel as if there is no solid ground anywhere.  But in truth, there are some things that haven't changed, and if we choose to focus on these, we can find our footing to deal with the rest.  
1.  Vegetables are good for you.  
  Seems simplistic right?  But that's what we need right now.  Simple, solid foundations.  Vegetables are healthy.  They contain vitamins and nutrients our bodies need.  If you're looking for a good place to start to regain some stability, why not eat more veggies at every meal?  Your body will thank you for it.  
2.  Being kind to everyone you meet is still good advice.
  There is a lot of hurt in our world right now.  There is fear and anger and hatred running rampant, and in the midst of it all, voices are crying out to be heard.  People want justice and equality and life.  And while you may not be able to solve a world crisis or end all the turmoil, you can be nice to each person you meet, and that will go farther than you think.  The ripple effects of kindness can make a difference.  But it's up to you to keep dropping those pebbles in the water.  
3.  Our bodies still need rest.
  No, I do not mean laying on the couch and binging Netflix.  We have all had entirely too much of that this year.  What I do mean is allowing your body, mind, and spirit to completely shut off and truly rest.  We don't function well when we are depleted, and one of the best ways to refill is to give ourselves true rest.
4.  Exercise boosts endorphins.
  If the craziness of life has gotten you down lately, take some time to go for a walk, try some yoga, or hit the gym.  (Disclaimer:  I have no medical or nutritional degrees or qualifications, please consult a real doctor before doing something new.)  Science has proven that our bodies generate more endorphins through exercise, so if you need a happiness boost, get your sweat on.  
5.  God is still in control.
  Most of all, when this world seems out of control, it's nice to look outside ourselves and know that God is still in control.  This does not excuse us from doing our part, but it should give us the confidence to continue living our lives, knowing that we can trust there is a grander plan in motion.  

  Friends, a lot has changed, for better or for worse, but there are still some things that hold true.  Embrace new, adjust, pivot, grow, but also look for stability in the unchanging. Eat your veggies, go for a walk, take a nap, be kind, and trust God with the rest.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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