Thursday, July 30, 2020

What You Look For

  Hello, Friends.  At my house we have  peculiar kind of spider.  This spider has strange little attachments on his thorax that make him look a lot like a little piece of a leaf.  I first noticed one a month or so ago, suspended between the bushes in front of my house.  I thought it was a dead leaf that had got caught in a web, but as I sat in front of the window, presently, I noticed it beginning to move.  I was amazed, as, even with growing up in the country, I had never seen a spider like this before.  I watched it for many mornings after that, following its elaborate pattern back and forth between the bushes.  I pointed it out to my husband as well, and he was also impressed by this sneaky little creature.
  Not long after choosing to pay attention to this critter, I noticed another on the front porch, and another on a window.  It seemed that now that I had focused my vision on them, I could see them everywhere hiding in plain sight when I had spent the previous thirty years never seeing one.
  Life is like this in a lot of ways.  We have to choose what we focus on.  It's called the Law of Attraction.  If you are constantly focusing on, looking for, pointing out, and complaining about all the negative or bad circumstances in your life, guess what you will find more of?  Bad circumstances. Conversely, if you are determined to find the good, focus on the positive, and live with gratitude, you will find more and more things to be grateful for.  It's all in what you choose to look for.  The Bible says it this way, "For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.  Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."  (Matthew 25:29)
  Do you need to change what you're looking for today?  The choice is yours.  It's all in what you pay attention to.  Focus on the positive today.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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