Thursday, December 3, 2020

Take Off the Limits

   Hi Friends!  Today I want to share with you three thoughts that I got from Joel Osteen's book, You Can You Will:  8 Undeniable Qualities of a Winner. If you're familiar with Joel at all, you might know that he is super positive, and his messages reflect this attitude.  This has been a tough year, and I have heard a lot of negativity, but I'm hoping these three thoughts will encourage you and give you a boost if you've allowed the negative to start dragging you down.

1.  "A negative attitude will limit your life."  

    Ouch.  I don't know about you, but I don't like limits.  Something in me fights back when I hear, "No," "You Can't" or "Don't."  And when it comes to our potential, our dreams, our goals, we all want to be unlimited.  We want to keep growing our income, our mindset, and our success.  So why would we intentionally limit ourselves?  But having a negative mindset is just that.  When you allow yourself to focus on the negative and all the things that aren't going right, you are basically saying to yourself, "This is as good as it's going to get."  "This is how it's always been, so why should I expect any better?"  Or, "It's no use.  I mind as well give up.  I'll never make it." Take the limits off!  Choose to focus on the positive and believe for more.  Don't let the negative put limits on your mind and your life.

2.  "It's not your circumstances that make you negative, it's your attitude about those circumstances." 

    Nothing like putting the blame squarely where it belongs.  We want so badly to have someone or something to blame for the way we think and behave, but when it comes right down to it, our attitudes are our choice.  You can blame the weather, your mom, you boss, your finances, or your spouse for your entire life, and you will never move forward.  You are giving up all your power when you choose to believe that your circumstances control your mindset.  But when you take responsibility, admit that you are in control of you, and decide that you will remain positive no matter who or what you face today, then you can move forward.  You are at the wheel, and you are no longer letting people and situations drive you wherever they feel like.  You're in charge.  If you don't like the direction you're headed in, change it.  

3.  "You can't start the day in neutral."

    "Ok, that's all well and good."  You might be saying, "But my spouse really is a jerk."  Or, "My kid really is the worst."  If you know in advance that you will have to deal with negative people on a regular basis, then you cannot settle for just being defensive and reacting to everything that happens.  This is sure to set you up for failure.  You have to go on the offensive and set yourself up to win.  You have to prepare your mindset before you face the challenge.  Maybe that means you need to get up 15 minutes before your family so that you can meditate, pray, listen to a positive message, or just drink your coffee in peace.  Maybe you need to listen to uplifting messages on the way to work so that situation or person won't get the better of you again.  Part of owning your day is owning your mindset, and that means preparing in advance for the challenges you might face.  

  Learning to be positive can be tough if you have typically been a negative person.  But developing a positive outlook can take the limits off your life, give you control of your day, and allow you to choose your mindset rather than being controlled by every person and situation you face.  Determine today that you will take responsibility for your mindset, prepare in advance by putting positive messages in, and live with positive expectancy so you can go to the next level.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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