Hi Friends! Today, I want to address something extremely prevalent in our culture right now. The mindset I want to address is one of negativity and fear. And these two things go hand in hand. Lately I have been hearing a lot of statements like this, "It's all just so bad right now." "I don't see how we can ever get out of this." "This division is impossible to overcome."
When I hear statements like this, it makes me cringe. And here is why. These negative statements and beliefs are based in fear, and they are becoming more entrenched each day as people dwell on them and reiterate them in their words. Our thoughts and words have great power in our lives, and the more we think on something, the more we speak about it, and the more we speak about it, the more we begin to look for examples of that in our lives to reaffirm our belief. It is a downward spiral that can very quickly poison our outlook and our lives.
The truth is, there may be bad things happening right now. But there has always been bad things happening in the world since way back when Adam and Eve made that first wrong decision. Since that day there has been division, strife, and evil in our world. But the presence of these things does not negate the power and goodness of our God. So we have a choice. We can dwell on how bad it all is and how much worse it could get. Or, we can begin the upward cycle to free ourselves from living in fear and negativity. The downward spiral can be reversed, and I think it's important we begin this work sooner rather than later.
Here's how you change directions.
One, stop feeding the negative cyclone in your mind. Stop listening to others who are negative. Stop turning on the news. Stop reading those articles. Stop engaging with it on social media. Is that hard? Maybe. Is it worth it for your peace of mind and well being? Definitely.
Secondly, choose your thoughts purposefully. When you find yourself wondering how we are ever going to fix the economy, or politics, or whatever you might be worrying about today, stop yourself and purposefully think positive and gratitude filled thoughts. When you start to dwell on what you are grateful for, you find more and more to be thankful for. Like breeds like. Let's start with gratitude for health, friends, family, food, homes, a warm blanket, a cup of coffee, spring time. The list goes on and on. We don't have to drown in the fear and negativity. We have the free will to choose our thoughts. Do so wisely.
Lastly, reinforce your positive thoughts by speaking and listening to positive things. Instead of complaining, "The weather is terrible." "I can't believe what that politician did." "I'm just so afraid of where this is all headed." Try only speaking positive. "Wow! We really needed this rain. This will make the flowers look so beautiful." "Did you hear about that teenager who saved a mother and her children from a burning car? There are so many amazing people in the world." "This is going to be a great day!" Begin to catch yourself when you are complaining and spreading negativity. It might be happening more often than you think.
As you start to speak positive out of your mouth, you also need to guard carefully what you allow to come in. For example, choose specific shows or podcasts that you know will be uplifting. For myself, I do not watch the news, and when I watch TV, I always choose something funny. On my Instagram, I only follow positive uplifting people, so I am never bombarded by the fear mongering, negative voices in society. You can set boundaries around what you let into your life. Choose positive.
Now, I know there is someone out there right now who thinks this way of living is a Polyanna mindset. That by choosing to think positively I am just ignoring all the worlds problems and hoping they go away on their own. On the contrary. I know there are problems in the world, and I believe we are much more equipped to solve them when we come to them from a place of hopefulness and positivity than if we do so from fear and despair.
Ultimately, every part of your physical and mental health is affected by how you look at the world and what you choose to dwell on each day. You can continue in fear and negativity. But I highly encourage you to give the upward cycle a try. Start to change your outlook, your thoughts, and your words, and you just might find in doing so, little by little, you begin to change your world as well. The rainbow and the storm are both there. It's up to you which one you focus on. Choose positive today. I can't wait to see you succeed!