Thursday, April 22, 2021


   Hi friends! Have you ever heard the expression “nothing good comes easy?” I think we’ve probably all heard it, but most of us don’t live as if we understand it. Most of us fall into the trap of thinking, “If this is meant to be it should be easy.”  Let me tell you friends, this is a powerful lie that our culture has sold us. When we believe everything should come easy, we set ourselves up for disappointment and failure. 

  This lie has hurt us far more than we realize. It’s why the newlyweds who hit a struggle in their relationship start thinking, “If we were really meant for each other this should be easy right? Maybe he (or she) just isn’t the one.” 

  Or how about the entrepreneur who started a business with excitement and hope, only to be thinking a few years later. “If I was really meant to succeed at this, wouldn’t it be easy? Maybe I should give it up and go back to my old job.”

  We’ve been conditioned to believe that if something is right for us, meant for us, our calling, our destiny, then it will somehow magically fall into place and be easy. But that’s just not the truth. Ask the couples who have been married 60 years. They’ve had to struggle to figure it out. Ask the business owners with thriving companies, and they will tell you about the years of struggle and lack. 

  Now, I’m not saying nothing ever comes easy, and if you succeed with no adversity, that’s great, but I highly doubt there is anyone who has accomplished their dreams and goals and stayed where they want to be with out some struggle to overcome. 

  The danger lies in thinking that if it’s not easy it’s not meant for us. If you start an endeavor, relationship, goal, etc with this mindset, the first time you hit a rough patch or come up against a wall, you will quit and go looking for something else. So many people have been kept from their destinies by this lie. 

  Let’s use an example from the Bible. God promised the Israelites the land of Canaan. It was their inheritance. But they still had to fight for it! They didn’t just wander in and settle down. They had to fight for what was theirs! 

  In the same way, we do not just wander into success, even if it is our calling. We must fight for our marriages, our families, our purpose and passions. But if you know this going in, the battle becomes a whole lot easier. You won’t throw in the towel the first time you hit a bump. You will learn how to overcome. 

  So the next time you’re faced with a challenge, don’t hang your head and say “I guess it wasn’t meant to be.” Put on your boxing gloves, take up your stance, and go after what you want. You have to fight for your dreams! I can’t wait to see you succeed!

~ K.L.W. 

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