Thursday, June 10, 2021

Shut Up

   Good Morning, Friends! This week I was struck by a quote I heard while listening to a podcast, and it has gripped me. I have been ruminating on it all week and allowing it to guide me and motivate me. 

   We spend so much time talking about and thinking about things we want to do or be, but we don't take action.  We talk about getting healthy, but we don't ever lace up our tennis shoes.  I am the queen of making elaborate plans while avoiding taking the simple first step.  It's as if, somehow we think that by talking about it and preparing for it, we can negate the hard work of just doing it.  

  In this podcast, (the link is below for reference), writer Natalie Goldberg states, "You wanna write?  Shut up and write." This is such a simple statement but so powerful.  It's like the well known Nike slogan, "Just do it."  How many times have we heard this and yet not let it sink in?  We make things so complicated, when in reality it's as simple as taking the walk, saving the money, eating the salad, just doing that small action step day in and day out.  But we avoid this because it's mundane, simple, not as glamorous as talking and planning and imagining.  In truth, the path to the life we want is not lined with gold, it's paved with hard work. 

  Who or what is it that you want to be, that you talk about, plan for, but haven't done?  A healthy person, a great lover, a college grad, a debt free person?  You can say it all you want, but maybe like Natalie says, you need to shut up and do it.   

  What is the life you've been dreaming of? Are you living it?  Are you practicing it?  This is your one life. Don't waste it.  Stop talking.  Start doing.  Start being.  I can't wait to see you succeed!

~K. L. W. 

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