Thursday, September 9, 2021

Oxygen Mask

   Good Morning Friends! Ever heard the expression, "You can't pour from an empty cup?" How about, "Put your oxygen mask on before assisting others?" We've all heard these sayings, but often times in our busy schedules, we have a tendency to forget them. So many people depend on us for so many things, it can be easy to get burnt out. 

    As spouses, parents, friends, children, and employees, it can be easy to think if we stop for a moment the world will come crashing down. After all, who else is going to make sure everything gets done? But the truth is, we can only give so much, and if we aren't taking time to replenish ourselves, we will run on empty, and that's not a good place for us to be. After all, an empty gas tank usually means you're going nowhere. 

  I'm sure you've heard the term self-care a lot over the past year and a half. Our whole world has been going through some tough times, and we could all use a little more self-care. But some days, it can feel like that's just one more burden on our already packed schedule. So how do we find the time to refill our cups? How do we make sure we have the oil in our lamps so we can keep on burning? Here's a few ways that I have found help me.

1.  Schedule time to Relax 

    This may sound counterproductive. After all, a schedule is for all the things we want to get done, and relaxing is all about not getting anything done. But the truth is, most of us won't take time to relax if we don't put it in our schedule, and by cutting this important time out of our day, we set ourselves up for burnout, exhaustion, and failure. A lot of us think of self-care in big items, massages, trips to the beach, or a night at a hotel, and while these can be very relaxing, they aren't available to most of us everyday. I encourage you to make a list of things you can do to relax on a daily basis. Think of things that can be accomplished in under a half hour, things you know will recharge your batteries. For me that list includes, taking a nap, drinking a cup of tea in a cozy chair, reading a magazine, baths, facemasks, and hottub time. Once you make your list, simply block a half hour on your calendar each day, maybe right after work before starting into making dinner and homework and all the evening's events. Make this a sacred time, and let others know you need this time to be left alone. If you set this boundary in the beginning, it will go a long way toward undisturbed time. Once you've blocked it off on your calendar and told your family to stay away, simply pick an item from your relaxing list and enjoy it! Trust me, you and your family will thank yourself later for taking up this practice. 

2.  Connect to you Source

    If you're not a faith based person, this may be a foreign idea to you. But for me, spending time in prayer, meditation, and scripture reading, reconnecting with God is one of the best ways to make sure I have what I need to get through my day and spread love and generosity to those around me. This is the first thing I do in the morning after pouring my cup of coffee. I have had this habit since I was 12, and it is the centering force in my life. If you are a faith based person, I encourage you to make a dedicated habit, and if you are already doing this, try to extend it throughout your day by taking small moments of gratitude to reconnect with the Spirit all throughout your day. If you haven't previously been a spiritual person, I highly encourage you to explore this area a bit. Researcher Brené Brown says in The Gifts of Imperfection, "Without exception, spirituality - the belief in connection, a power greater than self, and interconnections grounded in love and compassion - emerged as a component in resilience." If we want to care for ourselves and build strength, we have to start with reconnecting to our source.

3.  Prioritize your Health

    If you've been running on empty, the last thing you may want to do is start thinking about your health goals, but the truth is, if you aren't eating well and exercising enough, you are forfeiting valuable energy your body needs to power through your busy days. Finding time to move your body, and nourishing yourself with wholesome food is a key component in making sure you have what it takes to support those you love and care about. Taking time to plan some space for a walk, run, yoga, or workout can boost your energy levels and improve your mental and physical health. Additionally, making sure you have healthful foods available like fruit, veggies, and nuts to power you through can give you the added energy you need without reaching for sugary foods which will cause you to crash later. A little foresight and preparation in this area will set you up for success in a major way. 


  It may seem like, with all you have to get done, that you can't possibly take time for yourself. But I assure you, carving out space to relax, reconnect, and energize yourself will make a world of difference for you and those who depend on you. Put on your oxygen mask this week. I can't wait to see you succeed!


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