Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Spring Cleaning

   Hello Friends, spring is finally in the air. The sun is shining; the birds are chirping, and it seems as if the clutches of winter are loosening. Now, don't get me wrong, I know there is still cold snowy days and a few rainy months ahead, but this break from the frigid temperatures and darkness of the past few months always gives me a boost of energy. And I was reminded recently that it's time to start spring cleaning. I know, often times the thought of cleaning can be a bit arduous, and if you're like me, you probably have a basement full of stuff you've been piling up for when the weather gets nicer, but there's just something about spring cleaning that puts a little life in my step. 

    Spring cleaning carries with it the promise of fresh newness, like that first breath of outside air when the flowers start to bloom. And with that thought in mind, I want to give you a few spring cleaning tips. Now, spoiler alert, we are almost a quarter of the way through 2022, and if that frightens you to think about, join the club. It seems to have snuck up on us. But this quarterly mark is a great time to hit refresh. And on that note, here are the three best ways I know to refresh from the inside out. 

1.  Detox your schedule

    Take some time to sit down and really analyze how you're spending your time. Are you doing the things you want? Or are you coasting through on auto pilot, turning on the tv after dinner, trying to forget the long day of work, and dreaming of the weekend when you can maybe get caught up? The truth is, most of us have more time in our schedules than we realize, and most of us aren't doing the things we really want to be doing with our time. We say we want to take a walk outside after dinner, but instead we hit the couch. We say we want to get coffee with friends, but we don't seem to make it happen. Doing a time audit and refreshing your calendar can help you see what things you're spending time on that you don't want to be, and what things you can replace those with. Toss the things on your calendar that weigh you down, and make a little room for some fresh habits that will bring you more joy. 

2.  Detox your body

    Most of us set some type of new year's goal to be healthier, but truthfully, for a lot of us, after a few weeks that goes out the window and we return to our same old, poor eating habits. Take the time now to hit refresh on your health. Ask yourself if you are eating, moving, and feeling the way you should, and if not, make a plan to change it. Set a goal to get back to the gym or make that healthier grocery list. Or pick a date and do a full reset. Eat only fruits, veggies and meats for a week and see how you feel. You just might be surprised at all the junk food that snuck it's way back into your life. Seasonal markers are a great time to reevaluate our goals and our calendar, so make the most of this reminder and get back on the healthy train. After all, summer is just around the corner, and you know everyone will be talking beach bodies then. Why not beat them to the punch and get healthy now?

3. Detox your home

    Now that the cold weather has broken, it's a great time to start cleaning out all the winter clutter that seems to build up. Fill up a box of clothes you aren't wearing and donate it. Clean out the garage or the basement. Eliminate all the extra appliances in your kitchen and (Gasp!) get rid of those Christmas gifts you didn't really want and haven't used yet. Don't be offended. You know you have some. If you're looking for a mood boost, find someone who can appreciate the things you aren't using and make their day by giving to them. Or, if you need some extra cash to fund your new calendar or health habits, post those items for sale and see how much you can make from your unused stuff. 

  As spring approaches, now is a great time to refresh our habits, our bodies, and our homes. Do some spring cleaning this week, and see if it doesn't just put you in a better mood. Don't let the seasons just pass you by. Make the most of every opportunity to hit reset. I can't wait to see you succeed!


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