Sunday, March 6, 2022

Where to Start

   Hello Friends. I’ve been thinking about the world lately, about life, about struggle, about the constant overwhelm and fatigue that seems to be plaguing so many of us right now. Life was already hard, and then we added two years of a pandemic, and now a war. It’s difficult not to feel overrun by it all. Maybe you’re looking at your life, at your days, at the world, at all your goals and dreams and wondering where to even start. So much is different now than we all imagined it. But don’t lose hope. 

  If you know anything about me and my journey over the last decade, you probably know that I was a person who was overwhelmed, frustrated, wanting more, but having no idea how to get it. I went to bed every night thinking, “Tomorrow, I’ll figure it out.” I was waiting for that one big cataclysmic moment that would change everything. And day after day it didn’t happen. 

  But something changed all that for me. And that something was learning about the power of small consistent steps compounded over time. I learned from a book called The Slight Edge that change doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, it’s in the little, tiny actions we take each day. This was a great relief to me, because while I had struggled and failed over and over to make some big crazy change and fix everything in my life, I could take one small step, and another, and another. And ya know what? It worked. The person I am today has changed so much for the better and accomplished so many goals and dreams I never imagined would happen. 

  So that brings me to today, to the frustration and overwhelm we’re all facing. Too many of us are looking around at the world and wondering how to fix everything. And the truth is, we can’t. At least not all at once. But I was reminded recently of something we can do. And it goes back to that one simple principle I learned almost ten years ago. Arthur Ashe said it this way, “Start where you are with what you have.” 

  If you're struggling, overwhelmed, and frustrated by trying to solve it all, just start with one step, right where you are, with what you have. You might not have the time energy and money to change everything, but can you change one tiny thing? Because one thing is all you need to do right now, from right where you are, using just what you have. Take the step. I can't wait to see you succeed. 

~K. L. W.

P.S. If you need a little help knowing which step to take, come join me on Patreon!

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