Sunday, May 22, 2022


   Hello, Friends! I often think and speak a lot about mindset, and that's what I want to talk to you about today. You see, mindset matters. This week was my birthday, and I decided to do a little video recap of some events from the last year. But when I did that, I was surprised to see just how much had happened. I traveled to seven (yes seven) states. I wrote and published a novel. I spoke at several events. I got a new tattoo, and I enjoyed so many moments in between. But here's what I realized when I was making that video. So often we are focused on the things that are going wrong, those worries, the things that nag at us. And they may be big things. It might be a financial crisis, a health diagnosis, a relationship on the brink of coming apart. But the devil wants us to stay focused on all those things, so we miss out on the beauty of everything that is happening around us. It's so easy to let our minds dwell on the negative and never see the positive. 

    We need to take our camera lense and zoom out a little. Maybe you've been consumed with whatever problem is going on in your life. And there is a time and place for tackling problems. I'm not saying we should act as if they don't exist. But I am saying, the problem is only one part of your life. And you can let it consume you, or you can choose to change your mindset. Your mindset is the difference between a good life with a few gray clouds, or a bad life where you're always anticipating rain. 

    We have to stop falling for the lie that our problems define us or that our problems are all there is. Life is so much bigger than that. We can change how we see things. We can choose to put those problems in their places, as small parts of the whole, rather than zooming in on them and making them so large that nothing else can be seen in our lives.

    Today, you may need a perspective shift. And if you do, I hope that you can take the time to refocus. Maybe do like I did, go through your phone camera and look at all your memories from the last year and pick our the highlights. Then remind yourself that those moments are happening all around you every day. You simply need to turn your attention toward them. I can't wait to see you succed!


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