Friday, May 6, 2022

The Me Too Movement

   Hello, Friends. Recently I've been thinking a lot about each of us having a unique story to tell, and the importance of making sure those stories are heard. I was having a conversation with a friend this week, and as we discussed some similar circumstances from our childhood, she said something that stuck with me. She said, "I'm so glad you said that. I thought I was the only one." And truth be told, so did I. But there's power in numbers, in knowing that others have shared experiences. This is the essence of the #metoo movement. But while #metoo started as a way to help those who had suffered sexual abuses, there is so much more to it than that. I believe there are people of all different races, religions, and sexes who are waiting for someone else to share their story so they can say, "Me too." 

  Personally, I believe that while we were never intended to endure hardships and hurts, when we come out on the other side of them, we have the ability to take what we learned and use it to rescue someone else. But the truth is, no one else gets rescued if we don't work on our own growth. If you never move beyond your hang-ups, you can't help someone else move beyond theirs. I've heard Terri Savelle Foy say, "Someone is waiting on the other side of your obedience." You see, even if you don't realize it, there is someone who is waiting for you to grow, succeed, and reach your potential, because they need what you have to offer. I don't know about you, but that is motivating. To think there is someone out there who might need to hear my story, who might need to hear what I have to say because it might help them in some way is both humbling and inspiring. And that's why I want to share this with you. Because there is someone waiting for you too. 

    Last week I heard Jay Shetty talk about the idea that all different types of coaches, speakers, mentors, and authors are needed, because each person has a unique way of teaching or telling something. Someone may have heard the same lessons a thousand times, but it doesn't sink in until they hear it from you. Your voice is needed. Your story is important. There is someone who can't move on until they hear what you have to say, and no one else can say it for you. So, what are you waiting for? 

  If you're looking for a reason to grow this week, if you're looking for a reason to heal, a reason to reach out, and reason to pursue your purpose, I hope you take these words to heart. There is someone who needs to hear your story so they know they aren't alone. There is someone who is waiting for you to get victory so you can teach them how, and there is someone who needs something only you can give. You were created for a purpose. Don't let this life pass you by. You have something only you can offer, and I can't wait to see you succeed!


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