Thursday, April 6, 2023


  It's Sunday night. You've finally done it. You've created the perfect plan. You've meal prepped and time blocked; you're ready for anything. This week, nothing can stop you. You're finally gonna live your best life as the perfect human you always knew you could be. 

  But then Tuesday rolls around, and your keto muffins are moldy, and the store is out of eggs, and you give up and eat a chocolate bar for breakfast. Your schedule gets cramped, extra meetings pop up, and suddenly that dream version of you meets the reality version of you, hitting snooze til it's too late to do your workout, playing a game on your phone instead of reading, and telling yourself you'll try again next week. Sound familiar? 

  So what do we do when we're not as perfect as we want to be, when life throws us curveballs, when we miss the mark? This morning I read a verse from The Message Bible. Matthew 5:48b - "Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you." That struck me. What a beautiful way to live our lives, generously and graciously. Not just toward others, but toward ourselves too. Sometimes life requires flexibility. Joyce Meyers calls this living with margins. I like that. As a recovering perfectionist, I have to remind myself often that it's ok if everything doesn't go to plan and to leave myself some wiggle room. 

  In addition to giving ourselves grace, we need to define our priorities. Which things are most important to us in THIS season of life? Because after all, this is a season. Recently I was talking about my hectic schedule with someone, and they remarked, "This is the busiest season of your life." And something about that brought me peace, because I was reminded that I won't always be juggling two sports schedules plus a full-time job. I won't always be running to meetings and doing virtual appointments on my lunch breaks, and it helped me to put things in perspective. Some seasons are just busier than others, and that's ok. In those seasons, know your priorities. Know which habits absolutely must happen, and which ones can get shifted to the back burner. 

  I'm not saying we shouldn't strive to be better. Lord knows it's my favorite thing to do, think, and talk about. But I am saying we need to give ourselves grace; we need to prioritize, and when all else fails, eat the chocolate bar for breakfast. I can't wait to see you succeed!


Wednesday, September 28, 2022



 Hey there! Have you ever felt stuck in place, like you aren't moving forward, and like things aren't happening the way you thought they would? Me too. But here's what I've realized. Often times, when we are mired in this way of thinking, it's because we've lost sight of the bigger picture. We're so focused on getting from where we are now to where we want to be, that we forget how far we've come. 

  I was reminded of this truth this week when a Facebook memory popped up. Four years ago this week was when I took the first step toward getting "Drake the Dragon" published. I had no idea that taking that step would lead to publishing five books, going full time into writing, becoming a speaker at elementary schools and women's events, creating content on multiple platforms, and a whole host of other adventures. 

  To be honest, on a day-to-day basis, it's easy to feel like we're moving too slow. But when we look back over the years, I bet there's more progress than we realize. Don't overlook the small daily steps, the little moves you're making. Because when you look back, those little steps add up to a whole lot of miles. 

  I've heard it said that we overestimate what we can accomplish in a year and underestimate what we can accomplish in five years. Today, I encourage you to take a five-year view. Look at the bigger picture. Look back and see how far you've come in the last five years. What dreams are you living right now that you could have only imagined five years ago? And then look ahead. Cast your vision for the next five years. And get started. It only takes one tiny step. 

  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thursday, August 4, 2022

A Fresh Take


    Hey Friends! It's been a little while, and I wanted to take a moment to share a few thoughts with you. Recently I shared a video on social media, talking about why it is that I do what I do. It's something that I've been thinking about a lot. I'm on many platforms, and I invest tons of time daily, and ultimately, I don't want what I do to just be busy work. I want it to have purpose and meaning, to be fulfilling a calling and making an impact. And I bet, if I asked you, you would feel the same way about the things you do. After all, we live in a very busy culture, one that equates busyness with success. But in reality, we can spend a lot of time being busy and not actually accomplishing anything worthwhile or purposeful. And at the end of the day, that's a pretty sad way to live. 

    So, everyone once in a while, we need to pull our head up out of the rat race and ask ourselves why we're doing all this. Is it because we think it will make us happy? Or is it because someone we respected told us we should live this way? Are we looking for approval, or trying to be "good enough?" There's a lot of reasons why we get caught in the busyness, and it happens to all of us from time to time. Which is why I made a point this week of really asking myself to think deeply about and reconnect to my purpose. And I want to encourage you to do the same. 

    For me, when it really comes down to it, there are three reasons for all the work I do. One is because I believe we were created to create. Another is because I want to make a meaningful impact on the world. And the last is because I believe in the power of growth to change our lives, and I want to do everything in my power to grow myself and then help others do the same. Because the more we all grow, the better off we are, and the better off we can leave the world. Ultimately, I want to add value, through what I create, by growing myself and helping grow others, and by making a meaningful contribution to the world. 

    So, I want to ask you; have you been running the race without stopping to question why? Are you caught in the busyness trap? If so, take some time this week to really ask yourself why your here and what you're doing. And once you find the answer, center yourself around that. Leave behind what you don't need and start living a more purposeful and peaceful existence. I can't wait to see you succeed!


Friday, June 24, 2022

Winter of the Soul

   Hey Friends! Recently I heard Mark and Juliana from Boho Beautiful talk about a "Winter of the Soul." And I thought that was such a beautiful way of naming those times when we feel a little bit frozen, when we can't seem to move forward, and when growth seems stagnant. You see, in life there are seasons for everything. In fact, the Bible has a whole book dedicated to this concept (check out Ecclesiastes). 

    There are times when we are in full bloom, when things are moving forward and growth is exploding all around us. During these times, we may feel excited and filled with possibility. There are times when we are in harvest, when we are reaping the rewards of those seeds of hard work and persistence we have sown. But there are also times when we are in winter, when things seem dormant and dead. Maybe we just finished a project or a door closed on an opportunity. Or maybe you just feel tired inside and need to slow down. It's during these times we need to be conscientious of what cycle we are in and what we need to do to weather this particular season. 

    When we find ourselves mentally or spiritually in winter, this may mean we need to take some time to rest, to slow down, to meditate and plan, or just to reset. Often winter can feel tough. You know that mid-February feeling that the sun will never come out again? But if you can remember this is only a season, it will help you to not only walk through this particular time, but also to make the most of the season you are in. During physical winter, all of nature is doing a reset. It is resting, hibernating, preparing for fresh growth in the spring. Similarly, when we are in a winter internally, we may need to slow down our outward effort, conserve our energy, look inward, and prepare ourselves for a fresh season of growth. 

    If you're in a winter right now, don't miss the beauty of this season and what it offers. Take the time to reset. Give yourself a break. Cut yourself some slack, and know that you are preparing to build something beautiful in the spring. Use this time to think and to dream. Get yourself ready for that next opportunity. Spring is just around the corner. I can't wait to see you succeed!


Saturday, June 11, 2022

Excuses, Excuses

   Hello Friends! I've been thinking lately about excuses, particularly those excuses we use to deter ourselves from becoming the best versions of ourselves. You see, recently I was struggling with my health. I had been sick a lot, and this threw me out of my normal routine of exercise and healthful eating. But as time wore on, I was getting farther and farther from the healthiest version of myself, and instead of picking myself up and beginning the journey again, I made excuses. I know you would never do this, but mine went something like this. "It's just so expensive to eat healthy." "I just don't have the time to prepare good food and work out." "I'm just so tired all the time." 

  The problem was, deep down, I knew these were just excuses for not doing what I needed to do to care for my body. And as is often the case when we make excuses, I was getting frustrated with myself. But of course, we don't tend to place the blame where it belongs, and so we start to blame other people. (Not you, of course, I know. But speaking for myself.) I blamed my family for taking up my time or being on the TV when I wanted to do a workout video. I blamed our busy schedule for not eating the way I should, all the while, knowing the answer was actually in letting go of those excuses and getting back on the path. 

  Excuses can derail us. Not only that, but they tend to make us pretty miserable. And here's the reason. As long as we deny responsibility for our circumstances, we also deny ourselves the ability to make them better. That's right. We have to own up to grow up. The moment we begin to take responsibility for where we are, that's when we gain the power to change where we are going. You see, the truth is, we all have a finite amount of time and resources. And maybe it's true that you don't have as many options as someone else. But that doesn't mean you're without any options. It's time to put down the excuses and start taking the steps you can, no matter how small they may seem at the time. 

  This week, look for areas where you are making excuses and placing blame. Then take some responsibility, knowing that by owing your circumstances, you are empowering yourself to make them better. Cut through those lies you're telling yourself and get back on the path toward the very best version of you, one little step at a time. I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thursday, May 26, 2022

What You Don't Know Does Hurt You

   Hi Friends! Ever realize you don't know what you don't know? Seems kind of straight forward, doesn't it? But we tend to forget, to think we know it all, or at least that we've got a handle on certain subjects. But I think more often than not, the more we know, the more we know that we don't know. (Say that five times fast.) 

  Recently I was confronted by this in a subject I consider myself to be pretty fluent in. I'm a very spiritual person. I was raised in a strict Christian household, attending a Christian church and a private Christian school where doctrine and theology were a part of the everyday curriculum. Not only that, but I've been reading my Bible on an almost daily basis since I was 12. And I continually read and listen to speakers on this subject. You could say that I've had two and half decades of intense education on the Bible and Christianity. Now, this isn't to say I know it all. I know that I don't. But I did feel like I knew all the basics. I've heard the stories, a million times over, and if someone mentions a verse, I can usually pinpoint what book of the Bible it's in quickly. I'm well versed in Scripture and theology. (Pun intended.) So, this week, I was completely surprised when I picked up a book and discovered there was an entire section of basic Christianity (Christianity 101, if you will) that I knew nothing about. 

  Right about now, you may be wondering, if we don't know that we don't know, how can we ever know? I know, right. But here's the thing. We have to stay curious. And we have to maintain a childlike mind. If we want to continually learn and grown, then we have to approach things with a fresh and inquiring mindset. We have to be willing to look at things as though we've never seen them before. And this requires a bit of humility. When we think we have nothing left to learn, we are in for serious trouble. But if we keep an open mind, believing there is something for us to learn in everything and everyone, we will find there are new things to be discovered all around us. 

  Jim Kwik talks about this idea in his book, Limitless. He says that one of the key things we need to do to learn is to forget. Seems counter intuitive, right? But what he means is, we have to forget what we already think we know so we can make room for what we don't know. This week, explore the world with a fresh mindset. Look for opportunities to learn everywhere, even in places where you think you know it all. You might be surprised to find there's another level for you to grow to. Keep a curious mind. I can't wait to see you succeed!


Sunday, May 22, 2022


   Hello, Friends! I often think and speak a lot about mindset, and that's what I want to talk to you about today. You see, mindset matters. This week was my birthday, and I decided to do a little video recap of some events from the last year. But when I did that, I was surprised to see just how much had happened. I traveled to seven (yes seven) states. I wrote and published a novel. I spoke at several events. I got a new tattoo, and I enjoyed so many moments in between. But here's what I realized when I was making that video. So often we are focused on the things that are going wrong, those worries, the things that nag at us. And they may be big things. It might be a financial crisis, a health diagnosis, a relationship on the brink of coming apart. But the devil wants us to stay focused on all those things, so we miss out on the beauty of everything that is happening around us. It's so easy to let our minds dwell on the negative and never see the positive. 

    We need to take our camera lense and zoom out a little. Maybe you've been consumed with whatever problem is going on in your life. And there is a time and place for tackling problems. I'm not saying we should act as if they don't exist. But I am saying, the problem is only one part of your life. And you can let it consume you, or you can choose to change your mindset. Your mindset is the difference between a good life with a few gray clouds, or a bad life where you're always anticipating rain. 

    We have to stop falling for the lie that our problems define us or that our problems are all there is. Life is so much bigger than that. We can change how we see things. We can choose to put those problems in their places, as small parts of the whole, rather than zooming in on them and making them so large that nothing else can be seen in our lives.

    Today, you may need a perspective shift. And if you do, I hope that you can take the time to refocus. Maybe do like I did, go through your phone camera and look at all your memories from the last year and pick our the highlights. Then remind yourself that those moments are happening all around you every day. You simply need to turn your attention toward them. I can't wait to see you succed!


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Gratitude Begets More

   Hi Friends! Today I want to talk to you about one of my favorite topics. And no, it's not habits, goals, or starting fresh. Today, I want to talk about gratitude. Here's why:  I keep coming back to gratitude again, and again, and again. It is so powerful to transform our lives in many ways. So, I want to talk about it... just one more time. 

  You may have heard the phrase, "remember when you prayed for what you have now." That is such a powerful reminder. So often we can get stuck mulling over all we don't have, worrying over what isn't going right, and feeling bad for ourselves that we haven't gotten that dream home or vacation yet. But we tend to forget there was probably a time when we prayed for the things we have now. I know I did. I spent ten years desperately wanting my own house, praying for a space we could call our own with room to host people and a big set of floor to ceiling bookshelves. And guess what? I have all that now. Does that mean I always remember to be grateful for it? Unfortunately, no. It's often easier to complain about the drain that needs unclogged, the backdoor that needs replaced, and the foliage which is out of control than it is to sit back and dwell on just how amazing it is to have this dream come true. 

  If we aren't careful, we can allow our minds to dwell on negativity, on lack, on all that isn't going right. And once we get on that path, it's a slippery downward slope. But with a little attention, we can train our brains to reach for what is positive, what we do have, what is already going well, and I think you will find the latter is a much better way to do life. Dwelling in gratitude opens the door for more in our life. Don't believe me? Have you ever had an ungrateful child? I know I have. And guess what, it makes me want to do less for him when he doesn't appreciate things. In the same way, when we are unappreciative of the blessings we already have, we are shutting the door to new opportunities. But like a thankful child, when we appreciate what we already have, we open ourselves to new opportunities for growth and abundance. 

  Gratitude doesn't mean everything is perfect in our lives, but it does mean we choose to focus on what is going right rather than what is going wrong. Take some time this week to slow down and think about all the blessings in your life that you once prayed for. Maybe that's health, a spouse, a child who is doing well, a home, a car, a good job, food to eat, financial security. Whatever it is you have, take the time to express gratitude and to train your brain to focus on all that you are already blessed with. When you do, you're opening the door to new things. Give it a try this week! I can't wait to see you succeed!


Friday, May 6, 2022

The Me Too Movement

   Hello, Friends. Recently I've been thinking a lot about each of us having a unique story to tell, and the importance of making sure those stories are heard. I was having a conversation with a friend this week, and as we discussed some similar circumstances from our childhood, she said something that stuck with me. She said, "I'm so glad you said that. I thought I was the only one." And truth be told, so did I. But there's power in numbers, in knowing that others have shared experiences. This is the essence of the #metoo movement. But while #metoo started as a way to help those who had suffered sexual abuses, there is so much more to it than that. I believe there are people of all different races, religions, and sexes who are waiting for someone else to share their story so they can say, "Me too." 

  Personally, I believe that while we were never intended to endure hardships and hurts, when we come out on the other side of them, we have the ability to take what we learned and use it to rescue someone else. But the truth is, no one else gets rescued if we don't work on our own growth. If you never move beyond your hang-ups, you can't help someone else move beyond theirs. I've heard Terri Savelle Foy say, "Someone is waiting on the other side of your obedience." You see, even if you don't realize it, there is someone who is waiting for you to grow, succeed, and reach your potential, because they need what you have to offer. I don't know about you, but that is motivating. To think there is someone out there who might need to hear my story, who might need to hear what I have to say because it might help them in some way is both humbling and inspiring. And that's why I want to share this with you. Because there is someone waiting for you too. 

    Last week I heard Jay Shetty talk about the idea that all different types of coaches, speakers, mentors, and authors are needed, because each person has a unique way of teaching or telling something. Someone may have heard the same lessons a thousand times, but it doesn't sink in until they hear it from you. Your voice is needed. Your story is important. There is someone who can't move on until they hear what you have to say, and no one else can say it for you. So, what are you waiting for? 

  If you're looking for a reason to grow this week, if you're looking for a reason to heal, a reason to reach out, and reason to pursue your purpose, I hope you take these words to heart. There is someone who needs to hear your story so they know they aren't alone. There is someone who is waiting for you to get victory so you can teach them how, and there is someone who needs something only you can give. You were created for a purpose. Don't let this life pass you by. You have something only you can offer, and I can't wait to see you succeed!


Friday, April 29, 2022

My Best Life

   Good morning, Friends! This week I posted a Reel on Instagram, highlighting some photos from a recent trip to Nevada. And in the background, I used a song by Ben Rector called, "Living My Best Life.” But here's what I love about this song. He points out an incredibly important truth that our social media obsessed culture has forgotten. So often, we think of living our best lives as all the things we post pictures of: Drinks with friends, travel to exotic locations, delicious food, perfectly curated homes. And while those things are fun, beautiful, and can add a lot of enjoyment to our lives, the truth is, you can have all those things and still be miserable. You can #liveyourbestlife and still never have a good life. If you don't believe me, think of all the rich and famous people who commit suicide. Our best lives aren't created by how many fancy trips we go on or delicacies we eat. Our best lives encompass so much more. Our best lives require us to thrive. 

    Ben Rector points out a fundamental truth about our best lives. They probably look different on a daily basis than we thought they would. Because in order to thrive, we have to do something so much different than posting glitzy photos on social media. Our best lives require us to put in the work, to create good habits, and to care for our body, mind, and spirit. Our best lives require uncomfortable decisions like exercise, sacrifice, and healthful habits. Our best lives require us to learn and grow as people. Our best lives require us to tap into our spiritual practice and live on a level of love and peace that is above the daily concerns that try to pull us down. And our best lives, they aren't made up of those big moments we show everyone else. They're made up of the small daily decisions no one sees. 

    This should be good news for a lot of us. If you aren't a millionaire, can't drop everything and travel to Bali for a month, or don't own a beach vacation house in the Caribbean, you can still live your best life. You can make the decision to get up everyday and grow yourself, care for yourself, and nurture your passions and goals. You can put in the work to form habits which serve you mentally and physically, and in reality, when you do, you'll realize what your best life really looks like. It might include gorgeous vacations. But it might also be your daily yoga practice, your morning prayer time, or your evenings around the table with family and friends. Our best lives aren't just made up of picture worthy moments. They're also the little, everyday habits we build which truly propel us toward who we were meant to be. 

  This week, focus on the small steps you can take to be your best right here and now. Over time as you build your physical, spiritual, and mental health through your habits, you'll find you really are living your best life. I can't wait to see you succeed.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Wise Stewarding

 Hello Friends, It’s Earth Day, and I thought it was a great time to share some things I’ve been thinking about. Lately I’ve been dwelling a lot on the concept of stewardship. It’s a word we don’t hear often, but it’s something that has valuable implications in all of our lives. When we steward something, it means we use it wisely, that we make the most of what we have and don’t waste. 

  When it comes to the earth, we are probably all familiar with the concept of stewardship. We’ve all been told to Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. And these are important things for us to do for the health of our planet. But the truth is, stewardship extends to so much more. Stewardship should actually be a lifestyle. 

  When we are good stewards of our time, our health, our money, and our talents, we will find we waste less, accomplish more, and get more satisfaction out of what we have. But it’s more than that. A life lived in stewardship of our time and talents is a life with purpose, a life which is not wasted. 

  The book of Matthew tells the story of three servants, entrusted with varying amounts of money while their master went on a journey. Two of them worked hard to multiply what they had been given, while the third buried his away and did nothing. He was fearful and also foolish. Upon the master’s return, he rejoiced over the two who had used their gifts so well, giving them even more to manage because they had proven themselves good stewards. The third, however, was not only a disappointment to his master, but even the little he had was taken away from him since he had not managed it well. (Matthew 25:14-30)

  The sad thing is, all three of them were capable of being good stewards. They would not have been entrusted with the money if the master didn’t have faith in them. Likewise, all of us on this earth are entrusted with varying degrees of time, talents, and money. We wouldn’t have been put here if we weren’t capable of doing something with what we’ve been given. But the question is, will we steward well what we’ve been entrusted with? 

  The choice is yours today. How are you using what you have to make the world a better place for yourself and others? Even if you only have a little, you are capable of being a good steward. Don’t waste what you’ve been entrusted with. The world needs what you have to offer. Steward your time and talents well, and see how much more you can be entrusted with. I can’t wait to see you succeed! 


Thoughts for Today


  It's Sunday night. You've finally done it. You've created the perfect plan. You've meal prepped and time blocked; you'...