Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Learning to Fly

Ok, so here it is... Faith Vs. Fear. 
Have you ever considered how much of our lives we as human beings live out of fear?  And imagine  if we chose to live without fear.  How would our lives be different?  Would you take that job? Introduce yourself to that guy?  Call that family member?  You see, fear paralyzes us, while faith promotes us.  Faith gives us the freedom to step out.  Often times, as Franklin D. Roosevelt so profoundly stated, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."  What are the monsters you've created in your head?  Those imaginary ghosts that keep you from being where you want to be.  Often times if we choose to look at things from a faith perspective and assume the best rather than the worst, we find that the worst case scenario really isn't that bad, and the best case scenario, well it's worth attempting for.  Faith produces action, while fear only produces reaction.  Faith takes that step and soars to new heights.  Fear is too busy preparing to fall to ever consider the possibility that you might just learn to fly.  So here's to faith, to challenging the comfort zone.  To staring fear in the face and pressing forward anyway.  A life lived in fear is a life which never progresses.  A life lived in faith can exceed your wildest expectations.  Step out today.  I'm cheering for you to fly!


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