Thursday, April 26, 2018

Keep Walking

Good Morning!

You've probably heard the phrase "going the extra mile."  But where does it come from?  And what does it actually mean?  There is a story in the Bible where Jesus was talking to a group of people.  He was giving them some ideas for living life well.  He told them that if a Roman soldier forced them to walk one mile with him, they should walk two miles instead.  (Matthew 5:41)  Hence, go the extra mile.  But going the extra mile isn't just doing so when you feel like it.  Nope.  It's going above and beyond when you don't want to, when it's inconvenient or painful, and doing it cheerfully.  You see, in Roman times, a Roman soldier could pick a civilian at random and command that person to carry his pack for up to one mile.  Now, imagine you're going about your day, you're trying to work, get food for your family, etc, when a soldier grabs you from the crowd, hands you a heavy pack and tells you to start walking.  Not exactly a welcomed interruption, but what Jesus was suggesting was that we see these circumstances as opportunities.  When your boss asks you to do that extra job, whether as small as making copies, or as big as an important phone call, do you do it quickly and excellently with a good attitude?  Or do you grumble about having one more thing added to your plate?  Each time you "go the extra mile" you are planting a seed, and you may not see the results of that seed pop up for a while, but keep at it.  The more seeds you plant, the bigger crop you will have.  Is there an area of your life you want to be promoted in?  Maybe it's your marriage, your health, your career, or your relationships.  Take time to conscientiously go the extra mile in that area.  The harvest is coming my friend, so keep taking those extra steps and planting those seeds.  True character building happens from doing more than what's asked of you consistently and with a good attitude.  The day is waiting!  Let's get to walking.


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