Friday, April 27, 2018

Don't Miss Another Opportunity

Have you ever stopped to think that many of our frustrations in life are a result of putting off things we know we should do?  For example... remember that garbage can that you thought about taking back to the house when you pulled in the driveway after work?  You know, the one you backed in to the next day because you didn't take it back to the house (not that this has ever happened to me before or anything). Or how about that paperwork that needed done... which you kept saying "I'll do it tomorrow."  But when the due date came you were scrambling around like a crazy animal, yelling at everyone in your path because you needed to get this done.  Hmm... How many situations like this could we avoid in our lives if we just made it our motto to "Do it now."  Whatever it is you know you should do, do it!  It could be as small as sorting out that stack of papers on the desk, or calling your grandma.  It might be as large as starting a business, going back to school, or asking for a raise.  Don't be fooled into thinking that procrastination has no effect on your life.  Putting off what should be done only causes frustration and hurt for us and others around us, and it can also lead to missed opportunities because of our lack of preparation.  Don't miss out on your calling because of an attitude of procrastination.  After all, procrastination is often rooted in fear, and we already talked about what fear does to us. ( Learning to Fly )  Start right now today to create a habit of "do it now."  When you finish your coffee cup in the morning, put it in the sink.  When you get the mail, take care of those bills right away.  As you begin to develop your do-it-now muscle in little things, it will become more natural to use this approach when it comes to bigger things too.  And when that big opportunity comes knocking, you'll be ready because you are a "do it now" kind of person.  I'm cheering for you!  Go get it done!


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