Saturday, April 28, 2018

Want vs. Need

One of the most difficult lessons we must learn as we progress into maturity is how to differentiate between what we want vs. what is actually good for us.  Imagine if parents were to never regulate what a child eats.  He or she would quickly realize that candy tastes good, so why not eat more candy?  Why not only eat candy?  You can see that this would obviously not be good for the child and could stunt or stop his development.  Yet, many of us, if we truly think about it are a lot like the unbridled child in a candy store.  We know we need to eat healthfully to avoid causing distress to our bodies, but we want junk food.  More importantly than food though, are the issues of the heart.  We know we need to become more disciplined with our learning in order to progress, but we want to sit in front of the T.V. instead.  We know we need to disconnect ourselves from the negative influences in our lives, but we don't want to experience the displeasure of upsetting other people.  True maturity however, can look at wants as simply that...the desires of a child which need to be curbed by the wisdom of what is actually best for us.  Although it can be painful, taking a good long look at ourselves and learning to call out our wrong desires as what they are can be one of the most important catalysts towards creating the life we want to live.  If we are ruled by our wants, we will never enjoy the fruit which comes from a life of consistent progress by choosing what is best for us.  Just as those who enjoy fit and toned bodies do so by consistently choosing to exercise, those of us who would like to enjoy a full and successful life must reach our goals by consistently choosing to subject our wants to the maturity of what we actually need.  It's time to put down the candy and start moving forward!  I'm cheering for you!


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