I hate ants...despise them actually. When I see them in a cupboard I want to scream. They are so tiny, but they create such a HUGE problem. One ant alone can lift many times its own body weight, but working in numbers they can carry off items vastly larger than themselves. I also learned recently that colonies of ants will invade other colonies and carry off their eggs. When the eggs hatch they force those ants to become slaves for their own colony. Pretty crazy accomplishments for such small annoying creatures right? But what I want to talk to you about today is that like the ant, our results can be multiplied many fold by adding to our numbers. What do I mean by this? I mean that in order to see success and move mountains in a specific area of your life, you have to put in effort over and over and over again. You have to add to your trys daily. You won't have six pack abs by working out one day, or two, or three, but give your workout 100 days of effort, and see what results you get.
We live in a microwave world and we want everything instantaneously. In our minds, if we have worked at something for a week and don't see big results or any results at all then we should give it up.. it's not worth the effort, but that mentality is so far from the truth. Our results will multiply exponentially if we will put in dedicated effort repeatedly, but too often we fail to give our efforts the time and consistency they need to produce real results.
Experts say is requires 10,000 hours to become a master at something. What in your life can you honestly say that you have dedicated 10,000 hours to? T.V.? Facebook? Instagram? If you are trying to become an expert in one of these venues, then great... but if you're not, maybe it's time to examine where your hours are going and start putting them to work on your dreams and goals.
I challenge you to pick one area that you want to see results in and commit to working in the area every day for one month. You might start to see results in one month, you may not, but start with a month and build the habit. Then, take action in that area for a year and see how much you've grown. True change is not made in a microwave, it is like a fine French pastry that requires days and hours of tedious, concentrated effort. But given the choice, I think we would all desire a delicately crafted, delicious pastry over some microwave mac n cheese, so lets get to work on our dreams, and never forget that our efforts multiply upon themselves, and like the tiny ant who can conquer entire colonies (or cupboards) in groups, our practice will help us to go to levels we never were able to reach when we just made an effort here and there. Start multiplying your efforts today. I can't wait to see you succeed!
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