Monday, May 14, 2018

Got Joy?

  Happy Saturday! Are you joyful today? Is your heart overflowing with gladness? I hope so. I can tell you that the holidays, a new day, the prospect of what's to come always fills my heart with extra excitement. But let me just tell you, joy is NOT dependent on your circumstances. My joy is not because my life is without troubles, because believe me, it's not. No, joy is not a feeling that comes and goes based on our situations.  Joy comes from a deep seated knowledge that God loves me, that He is good, and that no matter what my circumstances look like at this exact moment, He is working all things together for my good.  (Romans 8:28) And this joy gives me strength even on the toughest days (Nehemiah 8:10)

  If you aren't quite sure you believe all that, I challenge you to get a bigger picture of who God is this week.  Dive into His word and see just how much He really does love you. Read through the old testament and see how much God blesses His people. He truly does want the absolute best for us, and that should give us all the confidence we need to face every day with an overflowing joy. 
  Back when I went to a job every day, people often used to ask me at work why I was so happy, and when I told them that God is good and life is good they had a tendency to just roll their eyes. But this knowledge and trust in God's goodness and love for me is an absolute truth that forms the very core of my being. It is foundational to everything I do and every circumstance I face. It's a guiding principle to my life, and I hope you will learn to make this a part of your life too.  

  If you are struggling in this area, I encourage you to check out these books: 

Enjoying Where You Are On The Way to Where You Are Going by Joyce Meyer 

A Daily Dose of Joy by Pastor J.B. Whitfield


If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy by Dr. Jerry Savelle 

  All three of these books helped me get a new perspective on life and start living filled with joy. I read them at a time in my life when I was really struggling, and I return to them often when I need a reminder of the reason for my joy. Don't live another day discouraged and depressed with your situation. Start filling yourself with God's joy, and you will always have something to look forward to. Make it a great weekend! I can’t wait to see you succeed! 


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