Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Press Reset

  Let's talk about one of my favorite things:  new beginnings, fresh starts, a new day, week, month, or year.  I love that feeling of looking at a new chapter of life and seeing all the possibilities.  It's like having a brand new notebook with all the pages blank to begin writing whatever you want on it.  There is something so energizing about a new phase of life, and since we are approaching a new month, I want to talk to you about some of the ways you can capitalize on this upcoming month and make the most of the next 30 days.
  First, make yourself some time this week to sit down and think about your top five things you want to accomplish next month.  It may be tempting to write down a list of thirty things you want to tackle, but it's important here to really focus in on just the top five.  Often times if we focus on too many things we find our time and energy divided too many ways, and we end up accomplishing nothing.  Channel your time and energy into just a few specific goals this month, and you will find that you progress far more quickly when you are focused.
  Secondly, once you've decide on your top five, write them down and make sure they are specific.  For example, "Read 20 minutes daily"  or "Clean and declutter one room per week."  You want these goals to be measureable so that you can track your progress.  You won't know if you've succeeded at the end of the month if you have no way of measuring what you've done.
  Third, get a way to track you progress daily.  There are apps you can download to keep track of your goals and habits if you like to do things electronically, or you can make a daily list to check off and keep it on your fridge or some place visible.  Personally I like the good old pen and paper list that I can physically put check marks on each day.  This gives me a little sense of immediate gratification when I complete a task.  Additionally, knowing how many days you've accomplished your goal helps you to know what kind of progress you're making, and gives you a number to beat for next month.  After all, you only need to compete against yourself, remember?  (Winner Takes All)
  Now, all that's left is to get to work.  Keep your goals in front of you daily so you don't forget or get off track.  Stay dedicated.  Remember, consistency is key here.  Really commit to your five things and stick with them each day.  Don't let yourself slack off.  And if you do fall off the wagon for a few days, don't get discouraged.  Get back up and keep going.  25 days of success are still better than none!
  Take some time today and set your goals for next month and get prepared to move forward.  I'm excited for you to start making progress!  Here's to a new month!


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