Sunday, May 6, 2018

Start Small

   Hi there!  I want to pick up where I left off yesterday, and talk about the power of one small act.  I hope this doesn't seem redundant, but quite honestly, I've seen some amazing acts of kindness today, and I've witnessed how much it impacted each person's day, and I want to share my thoughts with you.  Have you ever noticed that when someone goes out of their way to do something nice for you, it has a way of brightening your whole day?  And have you ever noticed that just seeing someone do something nice for someone else can brighten your mood even if you weren't a part of it?  I know there are lots of kindness challenges out there, and sometimes they can seem a bit overrated, but today I got to witness a chain of kind acts, and it was incredible to see the joy on each person's face when they were told that someone they didn't know had done something kind for them.  Even more thrilling was the look of excitement and eagerness on their faces to be able to pass that same kindness on.  And you know what?  All of us who got to see this chain of events were smiling and talking about it all day even though we weren't directly a part of it.
    What I'm saying is this... each small act of kindness you do goes far beyond just you and the person you help.  You never know how you brighten that person's day, and if they in turn will go on to brighten someone else's day.  If you feel that tug on your heart to do something for someone else, no matter how small, I encourage you to do it.  You never know if that one simple gesture will make a world of difference for another person.  So go ahead, make that call, send that text, write that letter, or buy lunch for that stranger.  Don't ignore that still small voice in your heart.  In a world overflowing with fear, anger, hatred and sadness, be the fish swimming upstream.  Start sending out those good ripples today and see if it doesn't just change your life and the lives of those around you.  I'm counting on you to make the world a better place with me!


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