Monday, May 7, 2018

Press Pause

  Have you ever had a nagging problem that seems to trouble you repeatedly and you just aren't sure what you should do?  Maybe it's a career choice, maybe it's a major decision about a purchase, a significant other, a move, or a business.  Many times you already know the answer in your heart, but you haven't taken the time to sit and let your inner voice tell you what you need to hear.  Sometimes we are just afraid of what might come out if we take the time to listen, but getting at peace with ourselves and creating harmony in our lives is worth taking the time to stretch our minds and challenge our fears.  
  When was the last time you sat down and really just took time to think, to examine where your life has been, where you are now, and where you want to be?    I strongly encourage you to take some minutes or hours each week to really spend some time reflecting on your life, and if you have a major decision to make, commit to setting aside time daily for one week to ask yourself the hard questions and then listen for the answers.  If you are a God follower, pray about what you should do, and then let the Holy Spirit guide you.  Don't get so busy and let your life get so loud that you miss hearing what you need to.  You might find it counterproductive to stop taking action, but one of the most valuable strategies to use to move ahead in any pursuit is to take a pause and think before you rush blindly forward.  Ask yourself what it is you want to accomplish and what you are doing right to reach that goal.  Honestly assess where you are falling short and create a plan to overcome your obstacles. At first it may seem to you like a waste of time, but carving out moments to sit and meditate and ruminate on your life and all its details can become your most productive times.  Successful entrepreneurs from every corner of the globe in multiple industries tout the importance of planned thinking time and claim it is where some of their best business strategies have come from.  John Maxwell, world renowned speaker, author and leadership teacher discusses the importance of taking time to think in his book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. There is so much to be gained from setting aside a little thinking time.   
   Take the time today to pause you life momentarily and think.  This practice will start to propel you forward and expand your mind in so many ways.  I'm excited for you!  Go do some thinking!  

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