Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Doing the Math

  When people spend time with you, how do they feel after?  Do they feel exhausted or uplifted?  Do they feel encouraged or dejected.  Something I learned from my mentors is to always add value to other people.  Whatever situation you find yourself in, try to be a giver, not a taker.  This is a tough one, and it's one I'm still working on myself and have a long way to go.  This is one of those life-long learning type things, but it is so worth the effort.  Ever wonder why certain people always seem to be surrounded by great people and opportunities?  You know, those people who just seem to attract good things like a magnet?  Often times it is because these people know how to add value, and they are good at doing it.
  Adding value isn't score-keeping or trying to one-up people.  It's simply the concept of always trying to leave things better than you found them.  Its being the one to complement someone or point out the good in a situation when others are only seeing the bad.  It's investing your time into someone who may not have the ability to give anything back to you.  It's loving others just because they need love, not because we expect something in return.  If we can keep the idea of always trying to add to a person and never detract, we would go a long way towards building lasting relationships and meaningful life experiences.  People don't want to be around a person who makes the feel worthless, but they will flock to the person who gives them value and importance.   Try it out today and see if it doesn't just add more color to your life.  When you live to add value to others you plant seeds which will eventually spring up in a harvest of blessings.  Go out and be a giver today!  I'm counting on you!


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