Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Get Some Sleep

  Can I just tell you tonight that you are so important.  You matter.  You have value.  And if no one has told you yet today, you are loved.  I love you, and even though you may not believe it, God loves you too.  You have purpose, and you were placed on this earth in this time for a reason.  Sometimes though, it's so easy to get caught up in all the things we need to do or think we need to do, that we lose sight of ourselves.  We get so busy trying to get ahead that we leave our well-being behind.  I just want to tell you tonight that it's ok to rest.  It's ok to stop and enjoy your life.  I'm not saying to be lazy or to stop chasing your dreams, but I am saying, know when you need a break.  Listen to your body and your spirit.  Some days, the most important thing you may need to do is just take a nap or go for a walk.  Sometimes you may just need that coffee date with a friend or that shopping trip alone.  Don't be afraid to say "no" for no other reason then that you need to take a breather.  Often times I find I am most productive after a day when I took time to refresh myself by taking a break.  Place enough value on yourself to place your needs on the priority list.
  You matter.  And if you won't take my advice, ask yourself, W.W.J.D.?  You know that old quote from when we were kids, "What Would Jesus Do?"  Well, Jesus often took time alone to pray.  Jesus took a nap in a boat in the middle of a stormy day.  Jesus walked in the garden to gain perspective.  Jesus spent time with those He cared about and talked and ate with them.  Resting and praying and friendships and meals did not keep Jesus from fulfilling His purpose, in fact, it could be argued that they aided Him in His mission.  They allowed Him to refocus and to develop relationships and to connect with His Father.  In fact, God Himself took a rest on the 7th day of creation. The book of Ecclesiastes says there is a time and a season for everything, and that includes rest and rejuvenation.  If you are feeling wearing and worn out today, maybe it's time to stop and smell the roses.  Give yourself the time and self love you need to be healthy so that you can be your best self for all the people out there who need you.  I believe in you.  Happy Resting!


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