Thursday, May 10, 2018

Step by Step

  Ok, confession time:  I spent a good portion of my life telling myself each night when I went to bed, "Tomorrow I will be perfect."  But each day I woke up like the day before, and each day, despite my firm resolution the night before, I was far from perfect.

  Can you relate?  Maybe you, like me, keep hoping that all your life's problems will be solved in one big break through.  But this lottery mentality is the enemy of your progress, and if you really want to move forward, you have to start thinking differently.  
  Yes, we all think it would be great to wake up tomorrow and be rich, healthy, smart, and perfect in every way, but the truth is, most of us wouldn't know how to handle such incredible blessings if they were given to us.  It's like the person who goes to get liposuction, only to find that a year later they are back to their previous weight.  Why?  Because this person did not actually change who they were.  They changed their looks temporarily, but they didn't change the bad habits that caused them to be unhappy with their body in the first place.  

  The journey to victory is what prepares you to receive and thrive with the blessings associated with the success you want.  Many of us want great wealth, but not knowing how to handle it, we would inevitable squander it and wind up back in poverty in just a short time.  Many people jump from relationship to relationship always thinking things will be better each time, but the truth is, until we learn to face the problems in ourselves, our relationships will not be better.  It may feel that way temporarily, but the real fix takes time.  Real change, real progress, real victory happens day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.  Real success is not overnight.  It is built by hard work and consistency, and when the results are finally visible, it may seem like to the outside viewer that it happened overnight, but this is not the case. The person who has truly succeeded and done so brick by brick, with quiet hour after quiet hour of steadfast courage and perseverance will know that their victory was no accident, and this person will be prepared and equipped to enjoy the blessing of his or her success because it has been earned.    

  So don't give up.  Have a little patience, and don't be so near-sighted.  Your victory is out there, but it is a marathon, not a sprint, and it can only be attained by putting one foot in front of the other.  You cannot teleport to the finish line, but the good news is, we're in this together.  I'm running along side you, and I'm so excited to celebrate your success!  Happy Jogging!


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