Friday, May 11, 2018

Lock it In

  Ok, so for some one you out there this message my not be where you're at, and that's ok.  Everyone is at a different place in his or her journey.  Just file this away for the day when you have reached this point.  This message is for those of you who know what it is that you are called to do.  If you aren't sure yet, it's ok.  Keep growing yourself and keep searching.  When the times comes that you find your calling, come back this.  But... for those of you who know you have a purpose or a task to fulfill, I'm writing to you today to tell you to lock in your focus!!  If you know your purpose or calling, it's time to dial it in and get to work. 
  See, here's the thing.  There is an enemy out there that is trying to convince you to wait another day, that there are too many obstacles, that maybe next year will be better, and he knows that eventually, if he can keep you preoccupied long enough with other little things that you will never really accomplish your purpose and be the impact on the world that you were made to be.  Don't keep putting it off.  Zero in on your purpose; make a plan and start pursuing it, and then, be RELENTLESS!  There will be obstacles to overcome, but hang onto your calling with tenacity and passion.  Do not let go, and do not let life take you down.  You were made to soar!  I cannot express enough how important this is.  Do not give up or back down.  If you need a little extra hope in this area, check out the book Three Feet from Gold by Sharon L. Lechter and Greg S. Reid.  The night may get darkest before the dawn, but push toward that light, because when you reach it, there is a whole world of blessings in store!  Not only that, but even more important, there is a whole world of people who need your special gift.  You have something that only you can accomplish!  So if you have figured out what you are purposed to do, then go after it!  Now is the time!  No more excuses.  Go out and live your calling, and run your race with intention.  The day is yours!  Go get it!  I'm with you!


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