Saturday, May 12, 2018

What did you say?

Your words dictate the direction of your life.  Sound intimidating?  I know what you mean.  After all, the book of James says that the tongue is the most difficult part of the body to control, and if anyone has perfect mastery of what he says, he is a perfect person.  Well, I can promise you that this is an area I am far from perfect in, but I am growing, and I know you can begin to make progress in this area too.
The Bible says that "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."  (Proverbs 18:21)  Which one have you been speaking today?  Have you been inviting life and blessing into your life by the words you speak, or have you been attracting fear, doubt, sadness, debt, confusion, worry, unbelief, sickness and death?  And before you roll your eyes at me, consider seriously the things you say throughout the day.  You may find your words are the underlying cause for many of the struggles in your life.  I heard a woman say this today, "Storms are so scary, you just never know what can happen."  When she spoke those words she was inviting fear and doubt into her life.  You better believe that when a storm comes she is frightened because she doesn't know what might happen. (And she said it multiple times!)  On the other hand, I used to be terrified of storms, but I started saying to myself, "My God calms the wind and waves; He is in charge of the storm; He directs its path.  I have nothing to fear."  In fact, I went so far as to start admiring the beauty of the storm, and you know what?  Storms no longer bother me like they used to.  I was awakened by thunder the other night and just went right back to sleep, whereas in the past I would have spent all night sitting in front of my computer checking the radar and being sick to my stomach.  This is just one of many examples where I have been able to use my words to direct my mind and my life.  Seem a little bit crazy?  I get it, but there's some real truth here.
If you don't believe me, take a serious look at some of the things you say on a daily basis.  Words like, "I'm so tired; I hate this job; I feel so old; I'm so broke." can cause you to stay stuck in negative life patterns.  Do a word audit on yourself and see how you rate.  You may be surprised at some of the negative words you are spouting without even realizing it.  If you want to see real, positive change in your life begin today to speak words of life, healing, and joy.  And even if you don't believe those good things about yourself yet, keep speaking them.  You will find that your life and mind start to align with the good things coming out of your mouth if you just keep speaking them.  I'm speaking a great future for you, and I hope you are cheering for yourself too!  Speak kindly today!


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