Thursday, June 14, 2018

When You're In the Dark

  Hey friends, some more honesty coming at you today. I’m a pretty happy and upbeat person. I try to see life through rose colored glasses,  and I try to laugh when life hurts and help others laugh with me. But just because I’m a positive person does not mean life is all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes things happen with no seeming rhyme or reason, and sometimes things happen when you’re already tired and worn out and beat up. And it’s in those moments that you really find out what’s inside you. "Battles are the proving ground of what you already have put into practice.  Conflict has a way of testing the mettle of what was already tempered in your seasons of preparation."  (Girls With Swords by Lisa Bevere).
  It’s during those moments of deepest pain and discouragement that we have to look to the Rock that is higher than ourselves.  "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me."  (Psalms 54:4)  And as we look up and cry out for help we must choose to take another step forward into the unknown. Just because this part of the path is dark right now doesn’t mean the road doesn’t lead somewhere good in the end, but you will never find out if you sit down and stay in that dark place. Choose to hold on to hope and keep pressing forward, one day, one breath, one  step at a time. I love you friend, and if you’re walking through the dark you’re not alone. Keep pressing on. I can’t wait to see you succeed!


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