Monday, September 24, 2018

Fighting Fear

  Hey there friends!  Are you experiencing fear or anxiety in your life right now?  Sometimes it can seem that once our minds start racing down this track that there is no way to get them back, but I want to share with you a few of the secrets which have helped me on days of fear and doubt.
  If you have been around church people for any length of time, you've probably heard the phrase, "Be anxious for nothing."  But what most people do is quote that verse to someone who's struggling with anxiety like they are just supposed to magically stop being afraid.  That makes no sense at all.  Those of us who deal with anxiety do not choose to feel that way, and if we knew of a way to just not be anxious, we wouldn't be.  The problem when people quote this verse is that they leave the second part off, and that part is the key to being "anxious for nothing."  The whole two verses go like this...."Do not be anxious about anything, BUT in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 4:6-7, emphasis added)
  Make no mistake about it, there is a proven strategy here for overcoming anxiety, and here's what it is.  The first step is this.  Ask God for help.  Simple.  Secondly, start thanking God.  This is the real weapon which will give you victory.  The more things your thank God for, the more your brain turns towards good things, and the more anxiety loses its grip on you.  You can overcome those racing thoughts by replacing them with thankful thoughts.
  Now, before you punch me or write me a nasty email, understand that I am not saying this is easy.  Just because the steps are simple does not make them easy to do.  And, because our minds are so powerful, if you've been fighting anxiety for some time, that thought pattern may be very ingrained in your brain, and it may take fighting this battle many times to overcome.  Do not grow discouraged if you don't immediately gain victory.  There are days when I have to ask God for help, then thank Him for as many things as I can think of, and then do it all over an hour later.  Take courage and find hope though in the fact that you can overcome.  Do not let fear rule your life.  Cry out to God for help, and begin letting thankfulness restore your mind to peace.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


P.S.  I am not in any way suggesting that it is wrong for you to seek help from a professional or through the use of medication.  I am also not a psychologist or medical doctor.  I am simply offering a way that has helped me to overcome my anxiety at times when I was struggling.  Each person is unique, and it may require you to incorporate other strategies as well.  The goal is to achieve mental healing and stability, and I recommend you seek whatever help you need to do that.

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