Friday, September 28, 2018

Right Where You Are

  Hi friends!  I've been thinking a lot lately about contentment.  I know there are a lot of us out there that have dreams and goals and aspirations that we are so excited to reach, but we must not get so wrapped up in looking ahead that we forget to look around us and enjoy the beauty of the moment.  One of my greatest "regrets" is not appreciating  or enjoying each moment.  And it is one of my greatest goals to, as Paul says,  "be content whatever the circumstances."  (Philippians 4:11)
  You see, we miss so much of life thinking, "if only."  If only I had that car, that house, that job, that pay raise, etc.  But we forget that "THIS is the day the Lord has made."  And we should "rejoice and be glad in it."  (Psalm 118:24)  Do not let your desires for the future rob you of the joy of today.  You may want a bigger house, but I bet the smaller one you have is filled with memories.  You may desire more money, but I bet you can find ways to enjoy what you have right now.  Joy is our choice, and choosing to live in the moment and appreciate each day for what it is is a big part of learning to live contentedly.
  You only get one life, and I challenge you to make the most of it by making each day your best day yet.  Do not look back on your life and realize you missed all the moments because you were so focused on what was ahead.  It's not the destination that makes life great; it's the journey to get there.  Look around you today and find things to celebrate.  Find things to appreciate.  You will find that the more you choose to be happy in your circumstances, the less you will need and the more peace and joy you will have on the way to your goals.  As always, make it a great day, and I can't wait to see you succeed!


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