Saturday, October 6, 2018

State of Being

  Hey friends, I want to encourage you tonight that’s ok to just “be.”  We live in a world that is so focused on “do,” and sometimes we get consumed with our list. I’m coming off a week out of town which means that there is cleaning and laundry, shopping and bills, and a myriad of other things which need attended to, and I have been diligently slugging away at the list all day. But I sat down with a cup of tea just now and looked around. There are still more dishes, there is studying I need to do. There are forms that need filled out for my son, and books to read and projects to finish, but sometimes we have to take a step back. Step out of the busy. Hit the off switch for a minute. Look around you and just “be.” Take in the feeling, the smell of a candle, the taste of a hot tea, the coolness of a breeze.
  We’ve been conditioned to think that sitting still means we’re doing something wrong, but there is health and life in just taking a deep breath and observing the world around us.  We can find restoration in those still small moments. Whether you are on the mountain top, in the depths of the valley, or somewhere in between on your journey, take a moment to absorb where you’re at.  That little rest will power you forward as you head on down the road. And whenever you feel the world is rushing by too fast, remember that it’s ok to stop and let yourself be. I can’t wait to see you succeed!


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