Tuesday, May 12, 2020

One of Those Days

  Hi friends!  Today, was one of those days... you know the kind I'm talking about, the my son forgot how to write the number 9, tracked dog poop into my car carpets, and cried every time I spoke to him kind of days.  The kind of days where it seems like the whole world is mad at you, and you can't seem to accomplish the things that need done in the space of time you have.  The kind of days where your technology doesn't work, and you dump a cup of water into your purse.  (Not that any of these things happen to me... ahem... all of them happened to me... today.) 
  So many times, we picture our lives like a Hallmark movie, where everything winds up beautiful, we fall in love, win the lottery, and the whole family comes together at the end.  But life, often times can be more like a thriller, where there's a surprise twist, nothing goes as planned, and everything bad happens to the main character.  The good news is that no matter whether your life feels like a sitcom right now, or a tear jerker, or a just plain terrible film, you still get to choose how you as a character show up in your story.  Do you scream and swear and cry and throw things?  (Read...I did all of these today too.)  Or do you show gratitude, take a walk, and respond with grace and humor?  (I did manage to do some of these things some of the time today. ) 
  Part of the beauty of life is in the imperfection, in the journey, the growth, and the struggle.  The victory at the end wouldn't be half as sweet without the hurdles we had to overcome to achieve it.  We don't go to see movies about sports teams who did nothing and didn't have to train and faced and easy team and won.  No, we watch sports movies about teams who overcame adversity to create unity, who practiced harder than they thought they could, who faced their biggest rival and won.  And our life is no different.  The struggles may be hard, frustrating, and exhausting, but they are preparing us to win.  We can choose to lay down, or we can step up. 
  Today, no matter how your day went, I hope that you find ways to push yourself to become better and to step up to the plate and take that swing, even if you missed the first two pitches.  Don't grow weary of doing good.  Your harvest is coming. (Galatians 6:9) Show up, and be the character your story needs.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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