Monday, May 25, 2020


  "Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the seed of equivalent or greater benefit."  Napoleon Hill said that.  Do you believe it?  And if so, are you applying it?  Those are the questions I've been asking myself this week, friends. 
  As a world, we are facing great adversity right now, both as a global community, and as individuals.  And with all these changes, and interruptions, and frustrations, it can be easy to get bitter and angry, to shut down, lay down, or tune it out.  I know that personally I've wrestled with a lot of those things in the last few months, and I'm willing to bet I'm not alone in this. 
  If you're a planner like me, it can be incredibly difficult to deal with your plans being interrupted.  And while I've worked hard to get better at not getting upset with the little distractions and detours that happen on a daily basis, having my entire world, and plans, and goals upended was another thing entirely.  I'd be lying if I said I haven't been angry most days and cried and just flat out given up some days.  But, while I certainly have not reached a point of acceptance yet, Napoleon Hill's words did help me to start to change my perspective and with it, my attitude. 
  This season has been hard for me, and not for the reasons you might think.  My husband and I have been incredibly blessed to still be working.  But to be honest, working and trying to homeschool my son felt more like a curse.  It is the last thing I wanted to be doing these past two months.  My mind, my schedule, and my emotions have been on overload.  But, this constant overload and stress forced me to find new and better ways to manage my time.  It helped me to prioritize and realize what I care about, what actually has to be done, and what things I want to get rid of in my life asap.  I know a lot of you have been facing your own unique set of struggles during this time as well. 
  The truth is, we are not out of the woods yet, friends, but this season and this journey can be a set up for greater opportunities.  Or we can let it be a roadblock which derails our progress and keeps us from moving forward long after this is all over.  I don't know about you, but I want to find those seeds of opportunity growing among the thorns of life.  Hang in there!  I care about you.  We will get through this, and I can't wait to see you succeed!


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