Hey There! You know the old expression, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Ever think the little things in life don't really matter? It's easy to feel like our small daily decisions don't really make that much of a difference. After all, we don't usually see the results of one day of working out or one healthy meal. But it's the effect of these habits over time which can make a huge difference in our lives.
Maybe you're like me. I spent a lot of my life saying, "Tomorrow I'll be perfect." Guess what? There is no perfect tomorrow. We have to move ahead one step at a time. We don't just wake up one day having arrived at success.
About 7 years ago, someone introduced me to a book called, The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. If you haven't read this book, I'm going to recommend you get a copy immediately. Why? Because it literally changed my life and my thinking, and I believe it can do the same for you. In fact, this book has had so much of an influence on me that I reread it every year! The Slight Edge taught me that our success comes from things that are "easy to do", like taking a few extra steps a day or choosing a salad over a hamburger. But our failure comes from those same habits which are "easy not to do." You don't notice the effects of these choices right away, only over time. Jeff says that time will either expose you or promote you. I realized then and there that I wanted my choices to compound for success, not for failure.
And speaking of compounding, if you want to really kick start and streamline your habits, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy is the next book you should pick up. This book takes the principles from The Slight Edge and kicks it up a notch with real world examples and practical steps you can use to fine tune those small daily choices. Remember, success is a mindset and a journey, not a one stop shop.
Ok, so you've discovered that success comes in small steps taken consistently over time, and you've been practicing and tracking your habits like a pro. Now what? Is that it? Is there any room left for improvement? I want to introduce you to the king of all books on habits. Atomic Habits by James Clear. If your already a habits master, this book is for you. Atomic Habits breaks down the science of habits and shows you how to get more and better results out of everything you do. If you're looking to squeeze every bit of goodness out of everything you do, this book will give you the inside scoop. I've been a dedicated habits person for 7 years, and this book took what I knew to a whole new level.
What am I saying? If you are wondering how your life got to be where it is, or why you aren't getting the results you hoped for, these books can help you set the record straight. You have to stop waiting for some big event to change your life. You change your life by small steps compounded daily. "The slightest adjustments to your daily routines can dramatically alter the outcomes in your life." -Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect. No more waiting, wishing, and hoping. Take the first step toward the life you want today. I can't wait to see you succeed!