Thursday, September 17, 2020


     Have you ever asked yourself the questions, "Why am I here?  What am I supposed to be doing with my life?"  These are some of the big, pressing questions in life that we all wrestle with, and while I can't answer these questions for you, I do believe that each and every person was put here with a unique purpose that only he/she can fulfill.  Your purpose may be broad, like to love others so well that the ripple effect impacts generations down the line.  Or your purpose may be very narrow and focused, like designing a cure for a specific disease.  If you're still scratching your head and trying to figure it out though, here are a few things I believe will help.

1.  Get to know the One who gave you your purpose.

    Ephesians 2:10 assures us, "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."  This should bring us comfort in the fact that we didn't get left out or passed over.  God created you with a unique to-do list.  If you don't know for sure what's on that list yet, it's ok.  Start spending time getting to know God, and He will start to put ideas in your heart.  

2.  Learn and Grow

    Proverbs 4:5a tells us to "Get wisdom." And to "Get understanding."  Once we have an inkling of what we are called to do, we must learn as much as we can so that we can excel at our calling. And even if you aren't sure what your purpose is yet, you can still begin to grow yourself.  As you grow personally, you will open doors to opportunities in your life, and you may just find that one of those doors holds the answers you are looking for.

3.  Take Action

    John 17:4 records Jesus as He is praying, and He tells God, "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do."  We cannot complete the work we were put here for unless we take action.  Just thinking about, studying, or knowing our purpose does nothing unless we begin to act on it.  You may not know all the steps yet or how you will get it done, but can you figure out the next step and take it?  Life is a journey.  We are meant to make progress.  Don't stay stuck in one spot.

    This year has caused many of us to take a step back and question the way we do work, school, relationships, and life in general.  If you are taking the time to think about your life and your priorities, take some time to get to know God and what His purpose is for you.  Invest in learning and growing towards your purpose, and take action so you can live fulfilled and be all that you were made to be.  You were put on this earth with a unique purpose.  I can't wait to see you find it and succeed!


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